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Dave, I am also having the same issue on Inquisit 4 and I am trying to figure out what percentages to use so that it fits the screen correctly. Can you please be more specific on what needs to be changed? I have a 9-point likert scale and I am only seeing response keeps for 3, 4, and 5 on my 13" macbook screen.
I think this is the relevant script you would need:
<defaults> /screencolor = (175, 255, 175) /font = ("Arial", -24, 700, 0, 49) /txbgcolor=(255,255,255) </defaults>
<text SymbolicRacismScaleqs> /size = (500, 70) /items = SymbolicRacismScaleqs /position = (30, 30) /halign = center /select = sequence
Thank you for your patience with my ignorance to this issue.