Multiple likert scales

Partner Member (598 reputation)Partner Member (598 reputation)Partner Member (598 reputation)Partner Member (598 reputation)Partner Member (598 reputation)Partner Member (598 reputation)Partner Member (598 reputation)Partner Member (598 reputation)Partner Member (598 reputation)
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Posts: 3, Visits: 31
Hi all,

I am creating a simple task in which participants rate words for their valence and arousal. I have created two likert scales to be presented within a single trial and want to repeat these for each of the words (around 300-400). However I cannot figure out how to ensure that a different word is presented in each trial and so that the data is recorded correctly.

I'm assuming that there is a way to link the word list to be presented with the trials, similar to other response types. But, I cant figure this out at all.

I'm hoping that there is a solution because I don't like the idea of creating a separate trial for each of the words as this would be very time consuming and prone to error.

If anybody has any insights I'd be really grateful


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> I have created two likert scales to be presented within a single trial

What did you do specifically? You cannot have used <likert> elements (can't have multiple displayed concurrently), so how exactly have you set up your script? The answer to your question will obviously depend on such particulars.

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My mistake, it is the radiobuttons function that I have used. I would also like to do similar with the slider if possible

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Thanks for the clarification. In a nutshell you need to do something along the lines of

/ currentword = ""
/ currentitemnumber = 1

<block rateblock>
/ trials = [1-10=ratepage]

<surveypage ratepage>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.currentitemnumber=list.worditemnumbers.nextindex;
    values.currentword=item.worditems.item(values.currentitemnumber); ]
/ questions = [1=word; 2=valence; 3=arousal]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false

<caption word>
/ caption = "<%values.currentword%>"

<radiobuttons valence>
/ options = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5")
/ orientation = horizontal

<radiobuttons arousal>
/ options = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5")
/ orientation = horizontal

<item worditems>
/ 1 = "Word 1"
/ 2 = "Word 2"
/ 3 = "Word 3"
/ 4 = "Word 4"
/ 5 = "Word 5"
/ 6 = "Word 6"
/ 7 = "Word 7"
/ 8 = "Word 8"
/ 9 = "Word 9"
/ 10 = "Word 10"

<list worditemnumbers>
/ poolsize = 10

/ columns = [date time subject blocknum blockcode trialnum trialcode response latency values.currentitemnumber values.currentword]
/ separatefiles = true


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