Play a sequence of audio files with inquisit

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 19, Visits: 64

I am trying to code a script where participants ear a sequence of five words and then have to announce to which category (among 3) the fifth word belongs to. The correct response is directly recorded via the speech recognition engine.
Each word belongs to one of 3 category (animal, vehicule or color), and each category has 20 exemplars (20 sounds). The first 4 words could be selected randomly among any of the 3 category while the last should be selected only in the "correct" category (i.e. the one corresponding to the trial).

When the participant has given an answer, he/she begin a new trial, and so on. For now I tried to code it like this :

<trial couleurs>
/ inputdevice = speech
/stimulustimes = [100= replace (couleurs, vehicules, animal); 200= replace (couleurs, vehicules, animal); 300= replace (couleurs, vehicules, animal); 400= replace (couleurs, vehicules, animal); 500= couleurs]
/posttrialpause = 250
/validresponse = ("couleurs", "animal", "vehicules")
/correctresponse = ("couleurs")
/ trialduration = values.interTrialIntervalTest

<trial animal>
/stimulustimes = [100= replace (couleurs, vehicules, animal); 200= replace (couleurs, vehicules, animal); 300= replace (couleurs, vehicules, animal); 400= replace (couleurs, vehicules, animal); 500= animal]
/posttrialpause = 250
/validresponse = ("couleurs", "animal", "vehicules")
/correctresponse = ("animal")
/ trialduration = values.interTrialIntervalTest
/ inputdevice = speech

<trial vehicules>
/stimulustimes = [100= replace (couleurs, vehicules, animal); 200= replace (couleurs, vehicules, animal); 300= replace (couleurs, vehicules, animal); 400= replace (couleurs, vehicules, animal); 500= vehicules]
/posttrialpause = 250
/validresponse = ("couleurs", "animal", "vehicules")
/correctresponse = ("transport")
/ trialduration = values.interTrialIntervalTest
/ inputdevice = speech

<sound animal>
/ items = ("A_baleine.wav", "A_chat.wav", "A_cheval.wav", "A_chien.wav", "A_crabe.wav", "A_dauphin.wav", "A_fourmis.wav", "A_gorille.wav", "A_kangourou.wav", "A_koala.wav", "A_lion.wav", "A_ours.wav", "A_papillon.wav", "A_pinguin.wav", "A_requin.wav", "A_serpent.wav", "A_souris.wav", "A_tigre.wav", "A_tortue.wav", "A_vache.wav" )
/ playthrough = true

<sound couleurs>
/ items = ("C_beige.wav", "C_blanc.wav", "C_bleu.wav", "C_bordeaux.wav", "C_brun.wav", "C_fushia.wav", "C_grenat.wav", "C_gris.wav", "C_jaune.wav", "C_marron.wav", "C_mauve.wav", "C_noir.wav", "C_ocre.wav", "C_orange.wav", "C_pourpre.wav", "C_rose.wav", "C_rouge.wav", "C_turquoise.wav", "C_vert.wav", "C_violet.wav")
/ playthrough = true

<sound vehicules>
/ items = ("T_avion.wav", "T_bateau.wav", "T_bicyclette.wav", "T_bus.wav", "T_camion.wav", "T_camionnette.wav", "T_canoe.wav", "T_car.wav", "T_fusee.wav", "T_jet.wav", "T_metro.wav", "T_moto.wav", "T_navire.wav", "T_paquebot.wav", "T_scooter.wav", "T_taxi.wav", "T_tramway.wav", "T_velo.wav", "T_voilier.wav", "T_voiture.wav")
/ playthrough = true

<block categoryDT>
/ preinstructions = (pg5)
/trials=[1-26=random(vehicules, couleurs, animal)]

But it doesn't work : instead of earring 5 sounds, I only ear 3 words, played at the same time. I tried various combination of stimulus presentations with the /stimulustimes and /stimulusframes commands, but the script never plays 5 words in a row, only a maximum of 3. If anyone has a solution for this problem, he/she will have my eternal gratitude.


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