Question regarding launch page

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Hi all, 

I have a question regarding the launch page. We are now trying to have older adults (in the Netherlands) to run some tasks at home, and we want to make sure the process is as simple and straight-forward as possible. 

I already disabled the Java WebStart option, as it often needs a lot of steps to get working and tends to differ wildly from computer to computer in terms of the kind of messages and permissions it asks for (not to mention outdated Java versions). 

So I'm hoping that most of the participants (on Windows at least) will be able to use the Web player option. However, I noticed that using Chrome, after installing the Webplayer, and reopening the launch page, the 'Start' button not only launches the Inquisit script but also each time tries to dowload another copy of the web player .exe   Is this the normal behavior for the 'Start' button (after having installed the Web Player already)? Because I can imagine it will be confusing for our participants if they keep seeing unopened / pending downloads. 



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I am, in fact, unable to reproduce this. If the (required version of the) Web Player is already installed, hitting the "Start" button merely launches the script for me, not another download of the installer. Are there any other specifics about your particular setup that I'm missing?

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Update: Correction. In some cases Chrome indeed triggers another download of the installer, albeit it doesn't do so consistently for me. Will investigate further.

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Quick question: Did you check the "Remember my choice for all links of this type" checkbox in Chrome's ""External Protocol Request" prompt?

For some reason, Chrome appears to initiate a re-download of the installer of that box was checked. It doesn't when simply clicking "Launch Application". The weird thing is that there's no logic in the launch page that instructs Chrome to download the installer upon clicking the start button. It simply (sometimes) does it when the "Remember my choice..." option was checked, although the logic it executes is the same as when manually confirming the prompt by clicking "Launch Application" (leaving the "Remember..." option unchecked).

Firefox, on the other hand, behaves correctly -- i.e. it just downloads the script, whether you tell it to remember the action or not.

For testing purposes, you can find instructions on how to reset the Chrome protocol preference here:

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Hi Dave, 

Thank you very much for the quick and in-depth replies! 

I also found the behavior to happen inconsistenly (I've now also seen it in Internet Explorer 11). 
I did in fact check that box, as I thought the users would otherwise be prompted to launch the application everytime they start a task,
so it's good to know that that was giving the problems!

I was also stuck trying to recreate the external protocol prompt, so the article you mentioned is a great help. 

Thanks again, 


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I've had the same issue and it seems to be confusing some of the participants, any idea how to prevent the installer from re-downloading?
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> [...] any idea how to prevent the installer from re-downloading?b

None beyond placing instructions on the launch page to not check the "Remember my choice..." option (and if checked previously, reverting the setting) as detailed earlier in this thread ( ), I'm afraid.


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