Hi Dave,
Thanks for that. Before I put the webplayer as the go-to, can I ask one more question. Some months ago in a post I made the comment that when using the webplayer, I could push the images OK, but pulling the images was problematic - once they got to the full size they did not usually disappear - but froze and to clear them you had to push them (
https://www.millisecond.com/forums/Topic15283.aspx?Keywords=aat#bm15312). In testing my next study, I find that it is happening again using the webplayer on my Lenovo Thinkpad Carbon x1. You suggested I go through the script and check for subtle differences. The only differences that I have found in comparing my script to the library version are as follows:
1. I have changed the starheight and minheight ratios for B as I am using left and right tilt pictures which are both landscape (as versus landscape/portrait). The original code is as follows:
/Startheight_ratioA = 0.5
/Startheight_ratioB = 0.6
/MinHeight_ratioA = 0.05
/MinHeight_ratioB = 0.1
/intertrialinterval = 300
/pixeltolerance = 5
but my code now reads:
/Startheight_ratioA = 0.5
/Startheight_ratioB = 0.5
/MinHeight_ratioA = 0.05
/MinHeight_ratioB = 0.05
/intertrialinterval = 300
/pixeltolerance = 5
I was wondering if this might be causing problems but thought not as the problem is pulling whether it is left or right tilt (you might expect it only for one or the other if changing B to landscape was the problem?). I was also hoping you could let me know if this change might have other repercussions throughout the script of which I might be unaware?
The other changes are that I have added an error to the real trials - you helped me with that earlier - so that the code for trial decrease and increase starts with the following:
<trial decrease>
/inputdevice = mouse
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.expcondition == 1 && values.targetformat == "p") trial.decrease.insertstimulustime(text.error, 0)]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.expcondition == 2 && values.targetformat == "l") trial.decrease.insertstimulustime(text.error, 0)]
/ ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = picture.targetstimulus.height - values.mouse_change/(values.maxheight/2) * expressions.maxheightchange_px]
<trial increase>
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.expcondition == 1 && values.targetformat == "l") trial.increase.insertstimulustime(text.error, 0)]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.expcondition == 2 && values.targetformat == "p") trial.increase.insertstimulustime(text.error, 0)]
/ ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = picture.targetstimulus.height + values.mouse_change/(values.maxheight/2) * expressions.maxheightchange_px]
I have been adapting the version developed on the 01-15-2014 and I note that in the latest version (09-12-2014) the first two lines of code are deleted (?). I have also used pre-generated sequences as I have increased the number of trials to 192.
I do not have the freezing problem with pulling on my computer at uni using the standard plug in and only one other person has commented on the issue.
You noted in my last post that you had not heard of it before, but I was wondering if you had any other ideas as to why it might be happening? I have attached my script again and please let me know if you would like the direct link to the online study.
Many thanks,