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Hello, I have a question about trials, blocks, and EXPT. I am attempting to write out code for an Approach-Avoid-Task that would utilize a button box. I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around the Trial, Blocks, and EXPT functions.
Currently, I am aware of how to identify the stimuli (namely pictures) through the item function, and to write out the instructions through the "item instructions" function, but I have trouble with the aforementioned functions.
Take the following block of code as an example: "<item targetAlabel> / 1 = "Carnivores" </item>
<item targetA> / 1 = "carnivore1.jpg" / 2 = "carnivore2.jpg" / 3 = "carnivore3.jpg" / 4 = "carnivore4.jpg" / 5 = "carnivore5.jpg" </item>
<item targetBlabel> / 1 = "Nonpredatory" </item>
<item targetB> / 1 = "Nonpredatory1.jpg" / 2 = "Nonpredatory2.jpg" / 3 = "Nonpredatory3.jpg" / 4 = "Nonpredatory4.jpg" / 5 = "Nonpredatory5.jpg" </item>
<trial targetA> / validresponse = ("1", "3") / correctresponse = ("1") / stimulusframes = [3 = targetA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial>
<trial targetB> / validresponse = ("1", "3") / correctresponse = ("3") / stimulusframes = [3 = targetB] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial>
<instruct> / nextlabel = "Continue" / lastlabel = "Continue" / prevkey = (0) / inputdevice = mouse / windowsize = (90%, 90%) / screencolor = (0, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%) / txcolor = (255, 255, 255) </instruct>
<trial instruct> / stimulustimes = [1=instruct, spacebar] / correctresponse = ("2") / errormessage = false / recorddata = false </trial>
<block targetpractice> / bgstim = (targetA, targetB) / trials = [1=instructions;2-21 = noreplace(targetA, targetB)] / responsemode=correct / recorddata = false </block>
<block targetreal> / bgstim = (targetA, targetB) / trials = [ 1, 3, 5 = noreplace (targetA, targetB) 2, 4 = noreplace(targetA, targetB) / responsemode = correct / recorddata = true </block>
<block targetrealistic> / bgstim = (targetB, targetA) / trials = [ 1, 3, 5 = noreplace(targetB, targetA) 2, 4 = noreplace(targetB, targetA) / responsemode = correct </block>
<expt> / blocks = [1=targetpractice; 2=block2; 3=block3] </expt>
<variables> / group = (1 of 2) (block2=targetreal; block3=targetrealistic) / group = (2 of 2) (block2=targetrealistic; block3=targetreal) </variables>
<defaults> / screencolor = (255, 255, 255) </defaults>"
The following errors are some of the errors I am getting. block.attributepractice: Could not locate stimulus 'practicerun'. block.attributepractice: Could not locate element "instruction" block.attributepractice: Trial 1 is unassigned.
Should I reverse engineer my code, starting out with EXPT and working my way up to items? Any help would be appreciated.