Likert scale in a survey

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 4
Hey there,
I have the following question:
I am creating a survey with radiobuttons, but for a couple of questions I need a 7-point likert scale with anchors at every second point. Using radiobuttons the response options look quite odd.
My question is can I modify the button itself, for example putting the text under the button instead of right of it? Or do you have any other idea how to present this a nicer way?

<radiobuttons f28>
/ caption = "How uncomfortable have you felt about others seeing your shape or figure?"
/ options = ("0 = not at all", "1", "2 = slightly", "3", "4 = moderatly", "5", "6 = markedly")
/ optionvalues = ("0","1","2","3","4","5","6")
/ orientation = horizontal
/ required = true

Thanks a lot in advance for your help!

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Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 104K
No, there isn't really a way to edit the individual buttons or position the anchors elsewhere. Perhaps, though, using a <slider> instead of <radiobuttons> would be closer to what you want:

<slider f28>
/ caption = "How uncomfortable have you felt about others seeing your shape or figure?"
/ labels = ("0~nnot at all", "1", "2~nslightly", "3", "4~nmoderately", "5", "6~nmarkedly")
/ range = (0,6)
/ slidersize = (50%,5%)
/ orientation = horizontal
/ required = true


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