Sending markers to Tobii eye trackers

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 30, Visits: 97
Hi all, I have a question regarding sending markers to Tobii eye trackers. I don't know how. I have tried figuring it out by looking at some sample scripts, but I cannot find one that works. A specific Tobii example would be very nice.

I think all I need is a simple script in which a trial is defined that is run multiple times, and continuously the eye tracker is being used to measure pupil size. The result should be an eye tracker data file with all the eye tracking data (this is easy enough), but also with the information that denotes when exactly the trial began. I suppose this should be done by sending markers, but I do not know which port to use or how it works in general. Ideally I want to create a data file that contains the eye tracker data (such as the pupil sizes) and on reach row also what was being displayed (for example, which trial, or which part of the trial). 

Does anyone have an example of a Tobii eye tracker study that works a bit like this? Or can someone point me to a place where I can start figuring this out? My apologies if this is too vague a request.

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