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You'll find detailed explanations of the script's data output in the comments inside the script (starting at line 269 and excerpted below):
******************************************************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************************************************* DATA: this section contains data file information ******************************************************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************************************************
******************** raw data ******************** date, time, subject, group: date and time script was run with the current subject/groupnumber blockcode, blocknum: the name and number of the current block trialcode, trialnum: the name and number of the currently recorded trial (Note: not all trials that are run might record data) /digitpresentationtime: the amount of time the digits are presented (default: 250ms) /maskpresentationtime: the amount of time the mask is presented (default: 900ms)
/trialtype: "Go" (digit !=3); "NoGo" (digit == 3) /digit: contains the currently selected digit /fontsize: contains the currently (randomly) selected fontsize response: the participant's response SART trials: 0 for no response or 57 for Spacebar Probe trials (if run): the selected anchor digit correct: the correctness of the response RT: the latency of the response (= trial latency unless no response was given; no response leaves values.RT empty) latency: the trial latency in ms (if no response, trial latency shows the trialduration) /latencytype: 0 = no response given (suppression); 1 = anticipatory latency (< values.anticipatoryresponsetime); 2 = ambiguous latency; 3 = valid latency (>= values.validresponsetime) Note: independent of Go-NoGo trialtype /responsetype: "NoGo Success": correctly suppressed response to NoGo trial (digit 3) "Omission": incorrectly suppressed response to a Go trial (digit other than 3) "NoGo Failure": any response to a NoGo trial "Go Anticipatory": anticipatory response for Go trials with latencies < values.anticipatoryresponsetime "Go Ambiguous": ambiguous response for Go trials "Go Success": valid response for Go trials with latencies >= values.validresponsetime /count_anticipatory: counts the number of times a Go-latency was faster than values.anticipatoryresponsetime /correctsuppressions: counts number of correct suppressions (-> no response to digit 3) /incorrectsuppressions: counts number of incorrect suppressions (-> no response to digit other than 3) /count_NoGo: counts NoGo trials (digit 3) /count_Go: counts Go trials (digits other than 3) /count_validGo: counts Go trials with a correct response and latencies >= values.validresponsetime /countprobes: counts the number of probes run
radiobuttons.difficulty.response: radiobuttons.interest.response: responses to the posttask survey questions
******************** summary data ******************** script.startdate: date script was run script.starttime: time script was started script.subjectid: subject id number script.groupid: group id number script.elapsedtime: time it took to run script (in ms) /completed: 0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)
radiobuttons.difficulty.response: radiobuttons.interest.response: responses to the posttask survey questions
/percent_NoGosuccess: percentage of correct suppressions in NoGo trials (=NoGo success) /percent_omissions: percentage of incorrect suppressions in Go trials (=omission of response)
Mean RTs are calculated for the correct consecutive (not interrupted either by a NoGo or by an omission trial) last four Go- trials (digit other than 3) preceding successful NoGo trial Mean RTs are calculated for the correct consecutive (not interrupted either by a NoGo or by an omission trial) last four Go- trials (digit other than 3) preceding preceding failed NoGo trial !!!!Note: in this script any 4 correct Go trials are counted irrespective of values.latencytype
/meanRT_GObeforesuccessNOGO: mean latency of consecutive 4 correct trials before correct suppression of response to digit 3 (=> a measure of speed before successful NoGo trials) /meanRT_GObeforefailedNOGO: mean latency of consecutive 4 correct trials before incorrect response of response to digit 3 (=> a measure of speed before failed NoGo trials)
/meanRT_go: mean latency of valid and correct Go trials (latencies >= values.validresponsetime) /stdRT_go: estimated standard deviation (STD) of valid and correct Go trials /CV_go: coefficient of variablity (CV = STD/Mean) => a measure of variability independent of mean differences