isvalidresponse on Surveypage doesn't work

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I have two textboxes on a surveypage (among other controls like checkboxes ) and I want to check that if the first textbox is populated with a value, the second one is populated as well.
If not, the responses are not valid and the next button shouldn't take you to the next page. I tried to use the isvalid function on the Surveypage but it doesn't work.
I saw another much older post that the user was facing the same issue and it was listed as a bug. Was it resolved, should I keep trying to use the isValid on a surveypage?

If not, is it possible to set the required attribute of a textbox dynamically, according to the response of another textbox?

Thank you,

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What you ought to do is use the /branch attribute instead. I.e., if the 1st textbox is not empty and the 2nd is empty, run the same surveypage again:

<survey mysurvey>
/ pages = [1=pg1; 2=pg2]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showbackbutton = false

<surveypage pg1>
/ caption = "Page 1"
/ questions = [1=tb1; 2=tb2]
/ branch = [if (textbox.tb1.response!="" && textbox.tb2.response=="") surveypage.pg1]

<surveypage pg2>
/ caption = "Page 2"

<textbox tb1>
/ required = false

<textbox tb2>
/ required = false

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Thank you very much David!

The thing is that I am reusing the same surveypage keeping all the textboxes and checkboxes the same while I am only changing a caption.
Mystructure is more like this:

<expt spelling_test>
/ blocks = [1=spelling]

<block spelling>
/trials = [1-2=pg1;]

<surveypage pg1>
/ caption = "Page 1"
/ questions = [1=tb1; 2=tb2]
/ branch = [if (textbox.tb1.response!="" && textbox.tb2.response=="") surveypage.pg1]

<surveypage pg2>
/ caption = "Page 2"

<textbox tb1>
/ required = false

<textbox tb2>
/ required = false

When I apply the code suggested the textboxes are reset after the branching.
Is there anything you can suggest in order to prevent that?

Your help is much appreciated!


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No, if you run the <surveypage>s via a <block> instead of a <survey>, there is no way to prevent them from resetting, I'm afraid.

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Posts: 18, Visits: 94
Thanks Dave! Also, just to confirm- the isvalid attribute doesn't work with surveypages. Is that correct?

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Yes, that is correct.


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