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Hi there, the thing is, that the response message is not send, because the values I'm calling or the way I'm calling them does not work. I would really appreciate your help. Please find my code below. Thank you. Julia
<port signal_response_correct> / port = LPT1 / subport = data / items = ("00000011") </port>
<trial block1_congruent> /ontrialbegin = [values.iti_congruent = list.iti_congruent.nextvalue] /ontrialbegin = [if (list.congruent.currentvalue == 1) values.correctresponse = "25" else values.correctresponse = "16"] /ontrialbegin = [if (list.congruent.currentvalue == 1) values.errorresponse = "16" else values.errorresponse = "25"]
/stimulustimes = [0 = outerbox_black, innerbox, flanker1_congruent, flanker2_congruent, target_congruent, flanker3_congruent, flanker4_congruent, signal_cond_congruent; 200 = blankscreen] /validresponse = (16, 25) /iscorrectresponse = [if (values.correctresponse == 25) trial.block1_congruent.response == 25 else trial.block1_congruent.response == 16] /responsemessage = (values.correctresponse, signal_response_correct, 0) /responsemessage = (values.errorresponse, signal_response_error, 0) /responseinterrupt = trial /trialduration = values.iti_congruent
/ontrialend = [if (trial.block1_congruent.correct == true) values.block1_correct_congruent +=1] /ontrialend = [if (trial.block1_congruent.correct == false) values.block1_error_congruent +=1] /ontrialend = [if (trial.block1_congruent.correct == true) values.block1_reactime_congruent_correct +=trial.block1_congruent.latency] /ontrialend = [if (trial.block1_congruent.correct == false) values.block1_reactime_congruent_error +=trial.block1_congruent.latency] /ontrialend = [if (trial.block1_congruent.timeout == true) values.block1_miss_congruent +=1] </trial>