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Any /ontrialbegin logic is executed at the very start of a given <trial>, i.e., before anything has happened in that trial. At this point no stimuli have been displayed, no responses have been collected etc. As such, the maximum pupil height at this point would seem to be not that interesting.
/ontrialend logic is executed at the end of a given <trial>, i.e., after stimuli have been shown, responses collected, etc. At this point, the maximum pupil height would seem to be much more meaningful and interesting, I would think.
At any rate, though, there is nothing that prevents you from doing both. I.e.
<trial sometrial> / ontrialbegin = [values.maxpupilheight_start = eyetracker.maxpupilheight; ] / ontrialend = [values.maxpupilheight_end = eyetracker.maxpupilheight; ] ... </trial>
<data> / columns = [..., values.maxpupilheight_start, values.maxpupilheight_end, ...] ... </data>