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It may be the last two questions (i hope so). First one, revised BARTY.iqx works well, however, it seems exceeding 2s than expect. Specifically, I expected the totoal time is 3mins 16s (1s fixation+10s instruction+15s*12 balloon+5s feedback).
The second question is about cued go no go task (see attachment). I want that each trial was exact 4s (from <trial cue> to <trial target> to <trial iti>), so i add "/ posttrialpause =" in <>. However, it resulted in 8s more than expect, and the colored rectangle didn't disapear immediately after my response (in fact, I want it disapeared immediately after my response then wait for a while until next fixation appeared, just as default setting). Could you help me figure out how to resolve it? Thank you so much.