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I am not aware of any existing implementation. However, implementing it should be relatively straightforward.
You have an array of 8x6 = 48 possible possible positions (plus some random jitter). Each display features 12 objects (1 target, 11 distractors), i.e. 12 of those positions are used / assigned to objects. There are some additional rules (pick 24 target locations, use 12 for the "old" displays, 12 for the "new" ones).
"Configurations were generated separately for different observers" (Chun & Jiang, 1998, p. 34), which may suggests they were *hardcoded* into the experiment, not generated randomly on-the-fly at runtime.
For the "old" displays, those configurations remain the same throughout the entire task, i.e., they are re-used in each block. For the "new" displays, different configurations are used in each block. There are 24 trials per block (12 "old" configurations, 12 "new" configurations).
If you tell me what exactly you are having trouble imagining implementation-wise, I can perhaps provide some useful pointers.