Hello, I have had an issue with missingdata. I am using the Lab based not the web based version of Inquisit.
I am using a batch file to run a number ofseparate scripts and have random missing data. A demographics script was firstfor all participants and it has worked for 77 out of 79 participants. It didrecord the data for the remaining scripts for the two with missing demographicinformation.
I have used SC-IATs to collect an extensivedata set and it has been mostly smooth and successful, but in a couple ofinstances (not the same script) the data is missing and I get a data file witha name like SCBEDF~1.DAT (rather than SC_IAT_rawdata.iqdat.2015-08-13-02-04-47-464.dat)with no content. It is not a specific issue with a certain script as the samescrip has worked successfully in all other cases. What do you think may havecaused this?