So, I made a simple experiment that loads a html page with an iframe embedded in it. The html loads fine when I run it in my browser, but doesn't load when I run it either on Inquisit lab, or from the web-script.
The experiment looks like this:
<html awe_video>
/ items = ("awe_page.htm")
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ erase = true(255, 255, 255)
<trial awe_video>
/ stimulustimes = [500=awe_video]
/ trialduration = 5000
/ ontrialend= [trial.awe_video.resetstimulusframes();]
<block awe_video>
/ trials = [1=awe_video]
/ blocks = [1=awe_video]
And the html, called awe_page.htm looks like this:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns="" >
<title>Task Instructions</title>
<style type="text/css">
html { overflow: auto; }
<body style="background-color:black; font-family:Arial; color:white; font-size:16pt; border-collapse:collapse; border-style:none; border-width:0px;">
<div style="margin:auto; text-align:center">
<iframe src="" style="position:fixed; top:0px; left:0px; bottom:0px; right:0px; width:10%; height:9%; border:none; margin:0; padding:0%; overflow:hidden; z-index:999999;">
Your browser doesn't support iframes
As I said, this loads fine when run from my browser (the video window is intentionally small btw), but not from Inquisit. Any ideas?
thanks in advance!