Modifying the Child Flanker Task with Fish

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Hi guys, I have been trying to modify the child flanker task to accommodate three different stimuli (namely pictures) rather than two arrows in the original task. However, the third picture always fail to appear. Could someone please advise? The code is as below:


Script Info

Script Author: Katja Borchert, Ph.D. ( for Millisecond Software, LLC
Date: 02-25-2014
last updated: 02-26-2014 by K.Borchert for Millisecond Software LLC

Copyright © 02-26-2014 Millisecond Software

This script implements a basic Flanker Test for children as described in:

Christ, S.E., Kester, L.E., Bodner, K.E. & Miles, J.H. (2011). Evidence for Selective Inhibitory Impairment in Individuals
With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Neuropsychology, 25, 690–701.

Participants are presented 5 fish in one row and are instructed to pay attention to the center fish (target).
If the center fish looks to the right, participants are instructed to press a specific response key.
If the center fish looks to the left, participants are instructed to press a different response key.
The fish flanking the middle fish (the flankers) can either look in the same (compatible) or the
opposite direction (incompatible) than the target/center fish (Note: the flanker fish always look in the same direction).


Check under EDITABLE CODE for (relatively) easily editable values, stimuli, instructions etc.
Keep in mind that you can use this script as a template and therefore always "mess" with the entire code to
further customize your experiment.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Millisecond Software.

2 congruence (congruent vs incongruent) x 2 target directions (right vs left) tested within participants

1. Practice Block: 20 trials with only targets (10 left, 10 right, randomly sampled)
2. Practice Block: 20 trials with targets and flankers (5 congruent_left, 5 congruent_right, 5 incongruent_right, 5 incongruent_left,
randomly sampled)
3. Test Block: 120 trials with targets and flankers (all 4 conditions equally often, randomly sampled)
=> number of trials can be edited under EDITABLE CODE -> Editable Values

Trial Sequence:
1. trial.flanker: trialduration max. 3000ms (default, editable)
-> trial terminates immediately after a given response or after max trialduration.

!!Note: to adjust the size of the 5 fish on your monitor, go to EDITABLE CODE -> Editable Values and edit
values.pictureheight and/or values.flankerdistance

2. (trial.errorfeedback): if errors occurred; error trialduration editable
a) Anticipatory response: responses faster than values.anticipatoryresponselatency (default: 200ms, editable value)
b) Too slow: no response occuring before values.max_trialduration (default: 3000ms = max trialduration of trial.flanker, editable value)
c) Wrong Response: incorrect response key was pressed

Error feedback is presented in a visual (text that specifies the specific error) and auditory form (sound file).

3. trial.iti: trialduration 1500ms (default, editable)
4. ( if number of trials indicate that a rest trial should be presented (default: after 40 trials, editable)

Fish stimuli are used from the ChildANT.iqx script (the fish were originally downloaded from:

Instructions are not original. They can easily be edited under EDITABLE CODE -> Editable Instructions

(5) DATA
Check under DATA for data file information - customize if necessary

EDITABLE CODE: The code in this section can be easily altered (look for additional instructions were indicated)

Editable Values

/responsekey_targetright:scancode of the response key for target fish that look to the right (default: 52)
/responsekeytargetright_label:description of the response key for target fish that look to the right
/responsekey_targetleft:scancode of the response key for target fish that look to the left (default: 51)
/responsekeytargetleft_label:description of the response key for target fish that look to the left

Fish presentation:
/pictureheight:determines the size/height in screen height % of the individual fish pictures (default: 10%)
/flankerdistance:determines the distance in screen width % between flankers (default: 10%)
Note: change these parameters to optimize the fish presentation on your screen

/errorfeedbackheight:determines the height of the feedback text in screen height (default: 5%)

/numberofpracticetrials:determines the number of practice trials in each practice blocks (default: 20)
/numberoftrials:determines the number of test trials (default: 160)
Note: list.trialtype controls the distribution of congruent/incongruent trials
by default, the same number of congruent right, incongruent right, congruent left, incongruent left
trials are run.
/resttrial:determines the number of trials after which a rest trial is presented

/max_trialduration:the maximum trial duration of the flanker presentation (default: 3000ms)
/iti:the duration of the intertrial interval - time between response and next presentation
OR time between offset of errorfeedback and next presentation (default: 1500ms)
/errorfeedbackduration:duration of error feedback (default: 1000ms)
/restduration:duration of rest trial (default: 60000ms)

/anticipatoryresponselatency:all response latencies lower than this value will be categorized as "anticipatory responses" (default: 200ms)

/responsekey_targetright = 52
/responsekeytargetright_label = ">"
/responsekey_targetleft = 51
/responsekeytargetleft_label = "<"

/pictureheight = 10%
/flankerdistance = 10%

/errorfeedbackheight = 5%

/numberofpracticetrials = 20
/numberoftrials = 120
/resttrial = 40

/max_trialduration = 3000
/iti = 1500
/errorfeedbackduration = 1000
/restduration = 60000

/anticipatoryresponselatency = 200

Editable Stimuli
<item fish>
/1 = "Untitled.png"
/2 = "Untitled2.png"
/3 = "Untitled3.png"

<item errorfeedback>
/1 = "Early Response"
/2 = "Too slow"
/3 = "Wrong Response"

<item errortone>
/1 = "tone_500.wav"

<item restinstructions>
/1 = "Take a rest"

Editable Instructions
/windowsize = (90%, 90%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.00%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (black)
/ finishlabel = "Press <Spacebar> to continue"
/nextkey = (57)
/nextlabel = "Press <Spacebar> to continue"
/prevkey = (28)
/prevlabel = "Press <Enter> to go back"

<page intro>
^^^In this experiment you will be presented 5 fish in a row. You will be asked to pay attention to whether the center fish
looks to the left or to the right.
^^^^^Press <SPACEBAR> to continue to some practice.

<page practice1>
This is a practice session.
^^In this practice session you will be presented with 1 fish in the center of your computer screen.
^Pay attention to whether this fish looks to the LEFT or to the RIGHT.
^If the fish looks to the RIGHT: Press the '<%values.responsekeytargetright_label%>' - key on your keyboard.
^If the fish looks to the LEFT: Press the '<%values.responsekeytargetleft_label%>' - key on your keyboard.
^^It's important that you press the button as fast as you can without making many errors.
^^^Place the index fingers of your left and right hand on the response keys.
^^^Press <SPACEBAR> to start.

<page practice2>
This is a second practice session.
^^In this practice session you will be presented with 5 fish in a row.
^^Just like during the first practice session pay attention only to the MIDDLE FISH in the center of the screen and
try to ignore the fish to either side of the center fish.
^If the center fish looks to the RIGHT: Press the '<%values.responsekeytargetright_label%>' - key on your keyboard.
^If the center fish looks to the LEFT: Press the '<%values.responsekeytargetleft_label%>' - key on your keyboard.
^^The fish to either side of the center fish might look in the same or in the opposite direction that the center fish is looking at.
Try to ignore them when doing this task.
^^Just like before it's important that you press the button as fast as you can without making many errors.
^^^Place the index fingers of your left and right hand on the response keys.
^^^Press <SPACEBAR> to start the next practice sessions.

<page testintro>
Practice is over now and the actual task is about to start.
^^The actual task is exactly the same as you have just practiced:
^You will be presented with 5 fish in a row. Pay attention only to the MIDDLE FISH in the center of the screen and
IGNORE the other fish to either side of the center fish.
^If the center fish looks to the RIGHT: Press the '<%values.responsekeytargetright_label%>' - key on your keyboard.
^If the center fish looks to the LEFT: Press the '<%values.responsekeytargetleft_label%>' - key on your keyboard.
^^The fish to either side of the center fish might look in the same or in the opposite direction that the center fish is looking at.
Try to ignore them when doing this task.
^^Just like before it's important that you press the button as fast as you can without making many errors.
^^The actual task is going to be longer than the practice session. You will be given a couple of breaks.
^^^Place the index fingers of your left and right hand on the response keys.
^^^Press <SPACEBAR> to start.

<page end>
You have reached the end of the study. Thank you for your participation!

DATA: this section contains data file information

raw data
date, time, subject:date and time script was run with the current subjectnumber
blockcode, blocknum:the name and number of the current block
trialcode, trialnum: the name and number of the currently recorded trial
(Note: not all trials that are run might record data)
/trialtype:1 = congruent, target fish to the right
2 = incongruent, target fish to the right
3 = congruent, target fish to the left
4 = incongruent, target fish to the left
/congruence:stores the congruence of the target and flankers (congruent vs incongruent)
/targetdirection:stores the direction of the target fish (targetleft vs targetright)
stimulusitem:the presented stimuli in order of trial presentation
response:the participant's response (scancode)
/response:stores the response category depending on latency and response key used ("anticipatory", "valid", "too slow", "wrong response")
correct:the correctness of the response
latency: the response latency

/file = "ChildFlanker_rawdata.iqdat"
/columns = [date, time, subject, group, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, values.trialtype, values.congruence, values.targetdirection,
stimulusitem, stimulusitem, stimulusitem, stimulusitem, stimulusitem,
response, values.response, correct, latency]
/separatefiles = true

summary data
/percenterrors_c: percent errors in congruent trials (test only)
/percenterrors_i:percent errors in incongruent trials (test only)
/meanRT_cc:mean latency of correct responses in congruent trials
/meanRT_ci:mean latency of correct responses in incongruent trials

<summarydata >
/file = "ChildFlanker_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.groupid,
expressions.percenterrors_c, expressions.percenterrors_i,
expressions.meanrt_cc, expressions.meanrt_ci]

REMAINING CODE: Customize after careful consideration only

requires Inquisit

/minimumversion = ""
/canvasaspectratio = (4,3)

VALUES: automatically updated
/selecttarget:determines which fish is selected for the target (left vs. right)
/selectflanker:determines which fish are selected for the flankers (left vs. right)
/selecterrorfeedback:determines the error feedback text
/trialtype:1 = congruent, target fish to the right
2 = incongruent, target fish to the right
3 = congruent, target fish to the left
4 = incongruent, target fish to the left
/count_itis:counts the number of intertrial intervals (used to stop each block)

/targetdirection:stores the direction of the target fish (targetleft vs targetright)
/congruence:stores the congruence of the target and flankers (congruent vs incongruent)
/response:stores the response category ("anticipatory", "valid", "too slow", "wrong response")
Note: correct and incorrec tresponses that are "anticipatory" are both categorized as "anticipatory"

/selecttarget = 1
/selectflanker = 1
/selecterrorfeedback = 1
/trialtype = 0
/count_itis = 0

/targetdirection = ""
/congruence = ""
/response = ""

Summary Variables:
/count_congruent:counts all congruent trials (test only)
/count_incongruent:counts all incongruent trials (test only)

/count_correctcongruent:counts the number of congruent trials with a correct response (test only)
/count_correctincongruent:counts the number of incongruent trials with a correct response (test only)
/sumrt_correctcongruent:sums up the latencies of all correct congruent trials (test only)
/sumrt_correctincongruent:sums up the latencies of all correct incongruent trials (test only)

/count_congruent = 0
/count_incongruent = 0
/count_correctcongruent = 0
/count_correctincongruent = 0
/sumrt_correctcongruent = 0
/sumrt_correctincongruent = 0

/percenterrors_c: percent errors in congruent trials (test only)
/percenterrors_i:percent errors in incongruent trials (test only)
/meanRT_cc:mean latency of correct responses in congruent trials
/meanRT_ci:mean latency of correct responses in incongruent trials

/percenterrors_c = (1 - (values.count_correctcongruent/values.count_congruent)) * 100
/percenterrors_i = (1 - (values.count_correctincongruent/values.count_incongruent)) * 100
/meanRT_cc = values.sumrt_correctcongruent/values.count_correctcongruent
/meanRT_ci = values.sumrt_correctincongruent/values.count_correctincongruent


<picture flanker1>
/items = fish
/select = values.selectflanker
/position = ( - 2*values.flankerdistance, 50%)
/size = (100%, values.pictureheight)

<picture flanker2>
/items = fish
/select = values.selectflanker
/position = ( - values.flankerdistance, 50%)
/size = (100%, values.pictureheight)

*the center fish = target
<picture target>
/items = fish
/select = values.selecttarget
/position = (50%, 50%)
/size = (100%, values.pictureheight)

<picture flanker3>
/items = fish
/select = values.selectflanker
/position = ( + values.flankerdistance, 50%)
/size = (100%, values.pictureheight)

<picture flanker4>
/items = fish
/select = values.selectflanker
/position = ( + 2*values.flankerdistance, 50%)
/size = (100%, values.pictureheight)

Stimuli for Errorfeedback
<text errorfeedback>
/items = errorfeedback
/select = values.selecterrorfeedback
/position = (50%, 50%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", values.errorfeedbackheight, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (red)

<sound errorsound>
/items = errortone
/select = 1
/ playthrough = false

Stimuli for Resttrial
<text rest>
/items = restinstructions
/select = 1
/position = (50%, 30%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", values.errorfeedbackheight, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (black)

<clock restclock>
/ mode = timer
/ resetrate = trial
/ txcolor = yellow
/ txbgcolor = black
/ timeout = values.restduration
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ format = "mm:ss"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", values.errorfeedbackheight, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)

1 = congruent, targetfish looks to the right
2 = incongruent, targetfish looks to the right
3 = congruent, targetfish looks to the left
4 = incongruent, targetfish looks the left

all lists sample a trialtype randomly without replacement for as many trials as specified by
values.numberoftrials/values.numberofpracticetrials. By default all trialtypes
are sampled equally often.

<list trialtype_practice1>
/items = (1, 3)
/replace = false
/poolsize = values.numberofpracticetrials
/resetinterval = 1

<list trialtype_practice2>
/items = (1, 2, 3, 4)
/replace = false
/poolsize = values.numberofpracticetrials
/resetinterval = 1

<list trialtype>
/items = (1, 2, 3, 4)
/replace = false
/poolsize = values.numberoftrials
/resetinterval = 1


* trial used for practice1 => only targets are presented (no flankers)
* selects the next target based on list.trialtype_practice1
* based on response either trial.errorfeedback or trial.iti is called next
<trial flanker_onlytarget>
/ontrialbegin = [values.response == ""]
/ontrialbegin = [values.trialtype = list.trialtype_practice1.nextvalue]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.trialtype == 1) {values.selecttarget = 1}]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.trialtype == 3) {values.selecttarget = 2}]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.trialtype < 3) {values.targetdirection = "targetright"}]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.trialtype > 2) {values.targetdirection = "targetleft"}]

/stimulusframes = [1 = target]
/monkeyresponse = (51, 52)
/isvalidresponse = [trial.flanker_onlytarget.response == values.responsekey_targetright || trial.flanker_onlytarget.response == values.responsekey_targetleft]
/iscorrectresponse = [(values.targetdirection == "targetright" && trial.flanker_onlytarget.response == values.responsekey_targetright) ||
(values.targetdirection == "targetleft" && trial.flanker_onlytarget.response == values.responsekey_targetleft)]
/beginresponsetime = 0
/responseinterrupt = immediate

/ontrialend = [if (trial.flanker_onlytarget.error)
{values.response = "accuracy error"; values.selecterrorfeedback = 3} else values.response = "correct valid"]
/ontrialend = [if (trial.flanker_onlytarget.latency < values.anticipatoryresponselatency) {values.response = "anticipatory"; values.selecterrorfeedback = 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (trial.flanker_onlytarget.latency >= values.max_trialduration) {values.response = "too slow"; values.selecterrorfeedback = 2}]

/timeout = values.max_trialduration
/branch = [if (values.response != "correct valid") trial.errorfeedback else trial.iti]

* trial used for practice2 and the actual test => targets AND flankers are presented
* selects the next target based on list.trialtype_practice2 or list.trialtype
* based on response either trial.errorfeedback or trial.iti is called next
!!Note: to circumvent trial.errorfeedback => change
/branch = [if (values.response != "correct valid") trial.errorfeedback else trial.iti]
/branch = [trial.iti]

<trial flanker>
/ontrialbegin = [values.response == ""]
/ontrialbegin = [if (script.currentblock == "practice2") values.trialtype = list.trialtype_practice2.nextvalue else values.trialtype = list.trialtype.nextvalue]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.trialtype == 1) {values.selectflanker = 1; values.selecttarget = 1; values.count_congruent += 1}]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.trialtype == 2) {values.selectflanker = 2; values.selecttarget = 1; values.count_incongruent += 1}]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.trialtype == 3) {values.selectflanker = 2; values.selecttarget = 2; values.count_congruent += 1}]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.trialtype == 4) {values.selectflanker = 1; values.selecttarget = 2; values.count_incongruent += 1}]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.trialtype < 3) {values.targetdirection = "targetright"}]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.trialtype > 2) {values.targetdirection = "targetleft"}]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.trialtype == 1 || values.trialtype == 3) {values.congruence = "congruent"}]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.trialtype == 2 || values.trialtype == 4) {values.congruence = "incongruent"}]

/stimulusframes = [1 = flanker1, flanker2, target, flanker3, flanker4]
/monkeyresponse = (51, 52)
/isvalidresponse = [trial.flanker.response == values.responsekey_targetright || trial.flanker.response == values.responsekey_targetleft]
/iscorrectresponse = [(values.targetdirection == "targetright" && trial.flanker.response == values.responsekey_targetright) ||
(values.targetdirection == "targetleft" && trial.flanker.response == values.responsekey_targetleft)]
/beginresponsetime = 0
/responseinterrupt = immediate

/ontrialend = [if (trial.flanker.error)
{values.response = "accuracy error"; values.selecterrorfeedback = 3} else values.response = "correct valid"]
/ontrialend = [if (trial.flanker.latency < values.anticipatoryresponselatency) {values.response = "anticipatory"; values.selecterrorfeedback = 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (trial.flanker.latency >= values.max_trialduration) {values.response = "too slow"; values.selecterrorfeedback = 2}]

/ontrialend = [if (values.response == "correct valid" && values.congruence == "congruent")
{values.count_correctcongruent += 1; values.sumrt_correctcongruent += trial.flanker.latency}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.response == "correct valid" && values.congruence == "incongruent")
{values.count_correctincongruent += 1; values.sumrt_correctincongruent += trial.flanker.latency}]

/timeout = values.max_trialduration
/branch = [if (values.response != "correct valid") trial.errorfeedback else trial.iti]

* presents errorfeedback in text and plays a soundfile
* duration determined by values.errorfeedbackduration (editable)
* calls trial.iti
<trial errorfeedback>
/stimulusframes = [1 = errorfeedback, errorsound]
/trialduration = values.errorfeedbackduration
/recorddata = false
/branch = [trial.iti]

* adds the intertrial pause to the trial sequence
* calls if the number of trials before a resttrial have been reached
* otherwise starts the cycle over again
<trial iti>
/trialduration = values.iti
/ontrialend = [values.count_itis += 1]
/recorddata = false
/branch = [if (mod(values.count_itis, values.resttrial) == 0)]
/branch = [if (script.currentblock == "practice1") trial.flanker_onlytarget else trial.flanker]

* adds a rest trial
* starts the cycle over again
<trial rest>
/stimulusframes = [1 = rest, restclock]
/trialduration = clock.restclock.timeout
/recorddata = false
/branch = [if (script.currentblock == "practice1") trial.flanker_onlytarget else trial.flanker]


* runs as many trials as specified under values.numberofpracticetrials (editable value)
* runs only trials that present a target (no flankers)
<block practice1>
/preinstructions = (practice1)
/onblockbegin = [values.count_itis = 0]
/stop = [values.count_itis == values.numberofpracticetrials]
/trials = [1 = flanker_onlytarget]

* runs as many trials as specified under values.numberofpracticetrials (editable value)
* runs the target AND flankers (same as block.flankertest)
<block practice2>
/preinstructions = (practice2)
/onblockbegin = [values.count_itis = 0]
/stop = [values.count_itis == values.numberofpracticetrials]
/trials = [1 = flanker]

* runs as many trials as specified under values.numberoftrials (editable value)
* resets summary variables
* runs the target AND flankers
<block flankertest>
/preinstructions = (testintro)
/onblockbegin = [values.count_itis = 0]
/onblockbegin = [values.count_congruent = 0; values.count_correctincongruent = 0]
/onblockbegin = [values.count_correctcongruent = 0; values.count_correctincongruent = 0]
/onblockbegin = [values.sumrt_correctcongruent = 0; values.sumrt_correctincongruent = 0]
/stop = [values.count_itis == values.numberoftrials]
/trials = [1 = flanker]

Notes: experiment runs
1. Practice block (20 trials, only center fish)
2. Practice block (20 trials, center and flanker fish)
3. Test block (120 trials, center and flanker fish)

<expt >
/preinstructions = (intro)
/postinstructions = (end)
/blocks = [1 = practice1; 2 = practice2; 3 = flankertest]

MONKEY: sets the parameters for monkey responses
/ latencydistribution = normal(350, 200)

End of File


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