Group: Awaiting Activation
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/ fontstyle = ("Copperplate", 3.25%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / txcolor = (0, 0, 0) /inputdevice = keyboard </defaults> <item 1> /1="2ab_000.bmp" /2="2ab_005.bmp" /3="2ab_010.bmp" /4="2ab_015.bmp" /5="2ab_020.bmp" /6="2ab_025.bmp" /7="2ab_030.bmp" /8="2ab_035.bmp" /9="2ab_040.bmp" /10="2ab_045.bmp" /11="2ab_050.bmp" /12="2ab_055.bmp" /13="2ab_060.bmp" /14="2ab_065.bmp" /15="2ab_070.bmp" /16="2ab_075.bmp" /17="2ab_080.bmp" /18="2ab_085.bmp" /19="2ab_090.bmp" /20="2ab_095.bmp" /21="2ab_100.bmp"
<picture biracial> /items=1 /select=sequence /size = (40%,30%) /position = (50%,30%) </picture>
<text description> /items=("categorize this person by race using the keys marked on the keyboard") /select=picture.biracial.currentindex /position=(50%,75%) </text> <text description2> /items=("from 0-100%, how confident you are about your judgement") /select=picture.biracial.currentindex /position=(50%,75%) </text>
<trial 2ab1> /stimulustimes = [1=biracial,description] /validresponse=("A","B","C","D") /timeout=(1500) / recorddata = true </trial>
<openended 2ab2> /stimulustimes = [1=biracial,description2] /range = (0-100) / buttonlabel = "enter" / inputdevice = keyboard / numlines = 1 /response=anyresponse
<block myblock> /preinstructions = (intro) /postinstructions = (end) /trials=[1=2ab1;2=2ab2;3=2ab3;4=2ab2;5=2ab1;6=2ab2;7=2ab1;8=2ab2;9=2ab1;10=2ab2;11=2ab1;12=2ab2;13=2ab1;14=2ab2;15=2ab1;16=2ab2;17=2ab1;18=2ab2;19=2ab1;20=2ab2;21=2ab1;22=2ab2]
<page intro> ^^ welcome to biracial studies </page> <page end> ^^Thanks for participants. </page>
When I try to run it, the error came up and states that in "openended 2ab2" , the expression is empty and invalid....
Why this happened ? Need help thanx!