Hi everyone!
I'm brand new to Inquisit and have some very basic questions.
1)How do I insert a likert scale?
2)How do I get questions to post side by side so they all fit on the same page?
Here is the script I have so far (which doesn't work correctly)
<likert emotionlikert>
/ anchors = [1= "Not At All"; 2= "2" , 3 = "3" , 4 = "Somewhat" , 5 = "5" , 6 = "6" , 7 = "7" , 8 = "Extremely"]
/ numpoints = 10/ position = (50,90)/ anchorwidth = 25%/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", 8pt , true)/ mouse=false/ numpoints= 10/
<textbox Amusement>
/ caption = "Amusement"
/ mask = positiveinteger
/ range = (1,8)
<textbox Anger>
<textbox Anxiety>
<textbox Confusion>
<textbox Contempt>
<textbox Disgust>
<textbox Embarrassment>
<textbox Fear>
<textbox Guilt>
<textbox Happiness>
<textbox Interest>
<textbox Joy>
<textbox Love>
<textbox Pride>
<textbox Sadness>
<textbox Shame>
<textbox Surprise>
<textbox Unhappiness>
<surveypage Emotions>
/ caption = "Please use the scale above to indicate how much you felt EACH of the following emotions while watching the film clip:"
/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", -16, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ questions = [1=Amusement; 2=Anger; 3=Anxiety; 4=Confusion; 5=Contempt; 6=Disgust; 7=Embarrassment; 8=Fear; 9=Guilt; 10=Happiness; 11=Interest; 12=Joy; 13=Love; 14=Pride; 15=Sadness; 16=Shame; 17=Surprise; 18=Unhappiness]
<survey PostInduction>
/ pages = [1=Emotions]
/ responsefontstyle = ("Verdana", -12, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ itemfontstyle = ("Verdana", -13, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ itemspacing = .3%
/ showpagenumbers = false