Picture animation/duration

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Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 4, Visits: 18
I'm new to Inquisit and I'm having some problems with pictures.
I want to show participants the picture of a star saying "+50" everytime they gain extra points in my game. If possible I want to let the star appear on the screen - I'm thinking of some kind of powerpoint like animation. 
Since I didn't know how to insert a powerpoint animation into my script,  I was thinking of simply letting the picture appear for only 2 seconds. I just can't figure out how to do that. This is my situation: I got an openended element and I want to show a picture for the duration of only 2 seconds on that openended element. I guess it's a simple function that I just cannot find. :/ If someone could tell me how to let the picture appear (fly in) on the openended element (again, only for 2 seconds), that would be even better!
Would be great if you could help me out! Thanks a lot. :)
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Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
To display a stimulus (be it <text>, <picture>, etc,) for 2 seconds in a <trial> or <openended>, use the /stimulustimes attribute:

<openended myopenended>
/ stimulustimes = [0=mypicture; 2000=erasepicture]

where 'erasepicture' is a <shape> element that overwrites the image at the desired point in time. See the "How to erase stimuli" topic in the Inquisit documentation for details.

If you want to display the picture *after* a response, use the /errormessage, /correctmessage or /responsemessage attributes (which one depends on what you want / need).

<openended myopenended>
/ correctmessage = (mypicture, 2000)

You'll find examples covering many of such basics in the tutorials included in the Inquisit documentation as well as its "How to" section.


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