Group: Administrators
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As you can see from the screenshot, there isn't enough horizontal screen estate / space to display the anchor text segments without overlap. Try adjusting the fontsize in your /fontstyle attribute, particularly express it in *percentages* not in fixed point (pt) values. Also, the /anchorwidth seems somewhat too large. I'd try something along the following lines:
<likert AM_4> /fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false) /stimulustimes = [0=AM_4_1, questioncount] /Position = (50,50) /anchors = [1="Trifft überhaupt nicht auf mich zu"; 2="Trifft weniger auf mich zu"; 3="Trifft überwiegend auf mich zu"; 4="Triff genau auf mich zu"] /numpoints = 4 /anchorwidth= 30% </likert>