Likert scale with just two options

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 4, Visits: 40
For my current task I need to ask people if they recognize faces from the media. The way I want to set up the task is that they see one picture on screen, and two answer option ("I DO recognize this face" and "I DO NOT recognize this face").

The way I have set up the script is by creating Likert-type trials with the picture on the position where normally there would be a question. However, when I run the script the participant can choose out of 5 options (being 1 = "I DO recognize this face" 2= "I DO NOT recognize this face" 3 = " " 4 = " " 5 = " "). I can't find out how to reduce the number of Likert options to 2. 

Does anyone know how to do this?

It might be relevant that after the "recognition task" the participants need to rate the faces on attractiveness on a 5-point Likert scale.

Thanks again for your time and effort!

/fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%)
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/ nextkey = (" ")
/ nextlabel = "(Space) Next page..."

<page recogpage>
Welcome to this computer task.
^^ It might be that you recognize one of the following faces from the media (TV, films, internet, etc). Please indicate for each face if you recognize the person or not.
^^ In case you recognize a face, please try to remember where you have seen this person before. Do not worry if you do not know exactly where you recognize this person from.
^^ after this task there will be an oppertunity to explain where you recognize these persons from (if applicable).
^^ The task starts after this screen.


<page facepage>
We will now continue with the second part of the task
^^In this part of the task you will be asked to rate how attractive YOU find each face.
^^The task will start right after this screen.

<item facepics>
/1= "20M_NE_C.BMP"
/2= "21M_NE_C.BMP"
/3= "22M_NE_C.BMP"
/4= "23M_NE_C.BMP"
/5= "24M_NE_C.BMP"
/6= "25M_NE_C.BMP"
/7= "26M_NE_C.BMP"
/8= "27M_NE_C.BMP"
/9= "28M_NE_C.BMP"
/10= "29M_NE_C.BMP"
/11= "30M_NE_C.BMP"
/12= "31M_NE_C.BMP"
/13= "32M_NE_C.BMP"
/14= "33M_NE_C.BMP"
/15= "34M_NE_C.BMP"
/16= "35M_NE_C.BMP"
/17= "36M_NE_C.BMP"
/18= "37M_NE_C.BMP"

<picture facepicture>
/items = facepics
/select = noreplace
/position = (50%, 30%)

<likert facetrial>
/stimulusframes = [1= facepicture]
/anchors=[1= "very unattractive"; 2= "unattractive"; 3= "not unattractive/attractive"; 4= "attractive"; 5= "very attractive"]
/ position = (50%, 90%)
/anchorwidth = 20%
/fontstyle = ("14pt")

<likert recogtrial>
/stimulusframes = [1= facepicture]
/anchors=[1= "I recognize this face"; 2= "I do NOT recognize this face";]
/ position = (50%, 90%)
/anchorwidth = 20%
/fontstyle = ("14pt")

<block faceblock>
/trials = [1-18 = noreplace(facetrial)]
/preinstructions = (facepage)

<block recogblock>
/trials = [1-18 = noreplace(recogtrial)]
/preinstructions = (recogpage)

<textbox MTurkUniqueCode>
/ caption = "If you recongized one or more persons in the previous task, please try to describe where you have seen them before as accurately as possible. Please write 'not applicable' if you did not recognize a person."
/ mask = alphanumeric
/ maxchars = (1000)
/ position = (10%, 10%)
/ textboxsize = (80%, 30%)
/ txcolor = (255,255,255)

<surveypage openquest>
/questions = [1=MTurkUniqueCode]
/finishlabel = "Next"
/showquestionnumbers = false
/showpagenumbers = false
/ fontstyle = ("14pt")

<block openquest>
/trials = [1 = openquest]

/blocks = [1= recogblock; 2= openquest; 3= faceblock]
/subjects = (1 of 1)

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 22, Visits: 376
The default value for the number of points is 5 so in your trial you would have to add another attribute.

/numpoints = 2

I guess that would work, hope that helps :)

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