Hi all,
I want to randomize subjects into three different conditions, but want the number of subjects in each condition to be equal. I found
here that one way to do this is to use separate .iqx files for each condition and host them in a batch file which will randomize, like this:
/ subjects = (1 of 3)
/ groupassignment = groupnumber
/ file = "MOODROC_positive.iqx"
/ subjects = (2 of 3)
/ groupassignment = groupnumber
/ file = "MOODROC_negative.iqx"
/ subjects = (3 of 3)
/ groupassignment = groupnumber
/ file = "MOODROC_neutral.iqx"
However, I've run the batch script several times and it has not randomized the conditions (it only presents the 3rd condition, "neutral"). Any input into how to resolve this issue would be much appreciated!