I want to program my own version of the Letter MemoryTask, introduced by Morris andJones (1990). In this adapted task, in the center of a computer screen severalletters are presented serially for 2500 ms each. Participants are asked to reporteither the final three letters in the easy condition or the final five lettersin the difficult condition. Letters have to be recalled in the correct order.To ensure continuous updating by the participant, they are instructed to repeatthe last three (or five) letters presented in their minds, i.e., “J”, “J–M”, “J–M–G”,“M–G–P”, “G–P–L”, etc.. This is necessary since the amount of letters (6 to 12)presented varies every trial. After each trial a response screen is displayedand participants are asked to type the target letters (the last three or thelast five letters) as fast as they can and press the button “enter”.
Important measures which need to be recordedin this task are the reaction time (time needed for recalling the targetletters) and whether the letter sequence (per trial) was recalled correctly inthe right order.
I have so far programed a few tasks inmodified versions with different levelsof difficulties myself, such as, Category Switch, Antisakkade, Color Shape,Number-letter, and so on… But with thistask I am stuck. I would like to know which commands will be most helpful forprogramming this task?
So far my idea was programming different stimuluslists consisting of single letters (items) and different amounts of thoseletters, which get randomly selected and all displayed in one trial. ThereforeI got lists with different letter sequences of different lengths. But then Idon’t know how I get Inquisit to present ALL letters of one list in one trial? AndI don’t know how to program this mask that is supposes to follow each trial and“knows” which three (five) letters to count as target letters and rightanswers. Could you please help me with that?
That would be great!
Kind regards,
Ulrike Nestler