IAT in an online survey?

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 11, Visits: 24
so i would like to use different IATs for a DFG project and will have my participants fill out an online survey before coming in our lab.
in this online survey i would like to build in an IAT so they have time to do different tasks when in the lab.
is there any chance i can integrate my milliseconds script into an online survey? i am using unipark if thats relevant. it has a function to link to external programs or scripts.
how would i go about that? is there an option that i can privately upload my IAT and users on different computers (without millisecond) can do the IAT and the answers and reaction times be saved on out millisecond computer in our office?

cheers for answers in advance

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You can re-direct between your online survey platform (here: Unipark) and an Inquisit Web launch page (for your IAT), passing information along the way via URL query parameters (primarily you would pass Unipark's unique participant id to the launch page and have the IAT use that same identifier as the subject ID so you can match the data between the two platforms).

You'll find this covered in general terms in the "How to interoperate Inquisit Web with online survey packages" in the Inquisit documentation:


The Unipark documentation / support resources, then, should provide you with the information you need to get your Unipark survey(s) to pass the participant identifier to external sites using query parameters (this used to be covered in chapter 3.5.2: "Externer Umfragestart in Kombination mit Fremdsoftware"; I don't know if that is still the case).


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