Having trouble redirecting screened out participants to a URL

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I have an study set up as a series of scripts which are batched together. The first script in the batch is a demographics questionnaire. I have set this up so that if participants answer two items in a particular way, the are screened out and redirected to an external URL (based on instructions here http://www.millisecond.com/forums/Topic16837-2.aspx)

Everything is working great when I just run the script for the demographics questionnaire on it's own. But if I run the entire experiment (all scripts batched together), the it no longer works. Instead of redirecting to the specified URL, it just skips to the next script in the batch list. Is there a way I can stop it skipping ahead and running the rest of the experiment and just redirect to the URL? 

Thanks in advance,


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If you use the script.abort() function mentioned in the topic, the entire <batch> will be terminated by default. The -- for your particular situation -- unfortunate side-effect of the abort() function is that it'll currently prevent any redirection from happening.

The other approach detailed in the thread you linked (/skip & /stop attributes) will not work with <batch>ed scripts -- those attributes only apply to the demographics script they are contained in and do not affect the remaining scripts in the <batch> or the <batch> itself, i.e., this unfortunately doesn't solve the problem either.

The only immediate option I can think of under Inquisit 4 would be to abandon <batch> entirely and instead merge your various scripts into a single one (i.e. a script that runs your demographics / screen-out survey as well as the various "actual task" blocks, etc.). Then the /skip and /stop approach would apply.

Should another, easier option occur to me, I will update this thread.

Edited 9 Years Ago by Dave
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One additional question: What is the specific purpose of the page you would like screened-out participants to be redirected to? I.e.,
- is it supposed to simply convey some debriefing information,
- is it supposed to give you a way to keep track of the number of screened-out participants,
- is it supposed to allow participants to move on with a different (part of the) study,
- several of the above things,
- or something else entirely?

Depending on the answer, there may (or may not) exist an alternative way to achieve the same goal(s). Thanks!

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Thanks for your response.

We are recruiting through an external sampling company. When page they are redirected too simply informs the participant they have been screened out, and also records their participant ID number to prevent them from trying to sign back up to the survey.

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Thanks for the additional information, that's really helpful. I might have an idea to make this work -- let me test a couple of things and get back to you here ASAP.

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Hi Rose,

I've taken a look at your account and you have a Departmental Web license at your disposal, i.e., you are not limited as to the amount of web experiments you can deploy / collect data with concurrently. Thus, I think, the most straightforward solution would be to split things into two separate web experiments:
(1) Your screenout-survey, and
(2) The remaining "actual" tasks run via a <batch>.

You can then set the redirection / finishpage URL dynamically in (1) without any necessity to use the script.abort() function.
- If any of the screenout-conditions is met, set defaults.finishpage to the applicable URL for the screenout page.
- If none of the screenout-conditions is met, i.e. the participant may participate, set defaults.finishpage to the launch page URL for the "actual" web experiment, i.e., (2) above. If need be, you can pass along the subject id from (1) to (2)'s launch page via a URL query parameter.

Do you see any problems or omissions in the scenario sketched above?


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