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I'm trying to get the clock to reset to count down 3 minutes per item in 'FITquestions' and 'FITquestions2' but the clock doesn't reset per trial. Is this possible, or do I need to make an individual openended element for each item?
Thanks in advance! Suzanna
------ SCRIPT-------
<page FITinstruct> On the screen you will read a number of sentences. For each sentence, I want you to try to imagine an event that may take place in your future that relates to the sentence. I want you to try to picture a specific situation or event in your future that relates to the feeling the sentences describe. It might be in the distant future, or the near future. It might be important or it might be trivial. It doesn’t need to be an event that you already know is going to happen, just a specific event or situation that might happen. For example, if the sentence was ‘‘try to imagine an event in the future where you are celebrating” you might picture yourself going to your next birthday party. I want you to imagine a specific event in the future. When you have an event in mind, you can type it in the boxes provided. Try to fill up the whole box. You will have 3 minutes to type in the event (the timer will help you keep time). </page>
<item FITprac> /1= "1. Try to imagine an event in the future where you feel like you are helping someone" </item>
<item FITpprac> /1 = "Well done, that was the end of the practice. Remember that for each sentence I want you to try and imagine an event that may take place in your future that relates to the sentence. The more detail you can describe about this future event, the better." </item>
<item FITquestions> /1 = "1. Try to imagine an event in the future where you are feeling very happy" /2 = "2. Try to imagine an event in the future where you are feeling scared about something that has happened" /3 = "3. Try to imagine an event in the future where you are feeling proud" </item>
<item FITquestions2> /1 = "4. Try to imagine an event in the future where you are feeling disappointed" /2 = "5. Try to imagine an event in the future where you are feeling very sad about something that has happened" /3 = "6. Try to imagine an event in the future where you are feeling confident in yourself" </item>
<text FITpostprac> /size = (800, 100) /items = FITpprac /position = (50, 10) /halign = center /select = sequence </text>
<text FIT> /size = (800, 100) /items = FITquestions /position = (50, 10) /halign = center /select = sequence </text>
<text FIT2> /size = (500, 100) /items = FITquestions2 /position = (50, 10) /halign = center /select = sequence /fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) </text>
<openended FITpractice> /stimulusframes = [1=FITprac, FITpostprac] /position = (50, 80) /charlimit = 500000 /numlines = 30 /linelength = 50 /multiline = true /fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) /trialduration = 180000 </openended>
<openended FIT> /stimulusframes = [1=FIT] /position = (50, 80) /charlimit = 500000 /numlines = 30 /linelength = 50 /multiline = true /fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) /trialduration = 180000 </openended>
<openended FIT2> /stimulusframes = [1=FIT2] /position = (50, 80) /charlimit = 500000 /numlines = 30 /linelength = 50 /multiline = true /fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) /trialduration = 180000 </openended>
<clock timer> / mode = timer / resetrate = trial / erase = false / txcolor = yellow / txbgcolor = black / timeout = 180000 / position = (80%, 10%) / format = "mm:ss" / resetrate = trial </clock>
<block FIT1> /preinstructions = (FITinstruct) /bgstim = (timer) /trials = [1 = FITpractice; 2-4 = FIT] </block>
<block FIT2> /preinstructions = (FITinstruct) /bgstim = (timer) /trials = [1-3 = FIT2] </block>
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If you want a reset per trial, you need to have the <openended> elements' /stimulusframes display the <clock>, not the <block>s' /bgstim. I.e:
<block FIT1> /preinstructions = (FITinstruct) /trials = [1 = FITpractice; 2-4 = FIT] </block>
<block FIT2> /preinstructions = (FITinstruct) /trials = [1-3 = FIT2] </block>
<openended FITpractice> /stimulusframes = [1=FITprac, FITpostprac, timer] /position = (50, 80) /charlimit = 500000 /numlines = 30 /linelength = 50 /multiline = true /fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) /trialduration = 180000 </openended>
<openended FIT> /stimulusframes = [1=FIT, timer] /position = (50, 80) /charlimit = 500000 /numlines = 30 /linelength = 50 /multiline = true /fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) /trialduration = 180000 </openended>
<openended FIT2> /stimulusframes = [1=FIT2, timer] /position = (50, 80) /charlimit = 500000 /numlines = 30 /linelength = 50 /multiline = true /fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) /trialduration = 180000 </openended>
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6,
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