The current operating system is not supported message from new script

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I built a script using the Inquest 5 free preview and tested it on a mac running OS 10.10.5.  It worked perfectly.  I then bought a web license and uploaded the script and associated files to Millisecond's site for hosting. When I tried to launch the script from the URL I got the error message "The current operating system i snot supported"  I adjusted my security settings to allow any app to download and I tried the script from both safe and firefox.  I also tried the script from my iPad and got the same message.  Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong ?
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You get that message because you seem to have *disabled all* Inquisit Web launch methods:

Open your web experiment's settings by clicking the "edit" button next to the listed script, go to the "launch page" step and -- at the very least -- enable the "Player" option by checking the box next to it. Hit the "save" button at the bottom to commit the changes.

In order for an Inquisit Web experiment to run, participants need to download and install a small application (think of it as Inquisit's core "engine") on their device. That application is delivered via the launch page. That application comes packaged in different formats (that's why there are several options), applicable to various operating systems, browsers, etc. Not all formats are applicable to all operating systems, browsers and configurations.

The player is the most universally applicable (works across browsers; exists as an application for Windows, OSX and iOS), so that's what needs to be available as an option at a minimum.

Edited 8 Years Ago by Dave
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Thank you very much.  When I saw "(advanced" I assumed that this was something I did not have to work with.  I didn't uncheck them I just didn't work with them at all.  I should have known better or at least tried it when it didn't work.  Regardless, much appreciated.  
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Thanks for the update. When you register a new script, all options should actually be enabled by default. Your description suggests they were disabled by default. Is my reading of your comment correct?

If so, that would be a bug that needs to be fixed. I can't seem to reproduce this, though, i.e. when I register a new script all options are enabled by default. There may be some additional factor at play that I'm not catching, so it would be good to know what your experience was.


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Yes it did seem that way when If first set up the script.  Since then though I have reregistered that script and registered a new one and all of the options were enabled by default as they should be.  So I won't be able to reproduce this either.  Maybe I did disable them and just don't remember it.  Hard to believe but I can't dismiss the possibility.  

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