Group: Forum Members
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Great, thanks for the help!
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> For example, if I run 250 participants, I would want ipanat1 to be presented at block 4 50 times, block 12 50 times, block 19 50 times, etc.
What you describe above is effectively a between-subjects condition. If you want this, you have to treat it as such, i.e., you need to hard-code various <expt> elements with the specific blocks in the desired positions at the desired time. Using a Latin square may be a good idea here, as realizing all possible combinations of the 5 different ipanat blocks equally would result in way to many conditions.
Hope this helps.
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 7,
Visits: 4
Hi guys,
I have a script in which I want different variations of the same measure presented randomly at 5 different points in my experiment. For example, in the below experiment, I want the 5 versions of "ipanat" to be presented randomly as block 4, 12, 19, 35, and 32. I am not having issues with the randomization; instead, my issue is that they are not being evenly presented across the different blocks. For example, if I run 250 participants, I would want ipanat1 to be presented at block 4 50 times, block 12 50 times, block 19 50 times, etc. Instead my data shows that it ipanat1 was presented 90 times at block 4, 140 times at block 12, etc. Under the experiment I have listed the other syntax associated with ipanat1. I am using ipanat1 as an example, but this also applies to ipanat7, ipanat3, ipanat4, and ipanat5. Any advice on how to present these elements evenly would be greatly appreciated!
<expt> /subjects = (1 of 4) / blocks = [1=introduction; 2=participantid; 3 = moodstart; 4, 12, 19, 25, 32 = noreplace, norepeat(ipanat1, ipanat7, ipanat3, ipanat4, ipanat5); 5=memorypractice; 6=TrianglePractice; 7=mood; 8=SearchOwn; 9=mood; 10=distimp1; 11=moodpre; 13=arith; 14=mood; 15=SearchYoked; 16=mood; 17=distimp2; 18=moodpre; 20=arith2; 20=mood; 21=SearchOwn; 22=mood; 23=distimp2; 24=moodpre; 26=arith3; 27=mood; 28=SearchYoked; 29=mood; 30=distimp1; 31=moodpre; 33=SuspicionProbes_AC; 34=presentmom] </expt>
<block ipanat1> / trials = [1-6 = lipanat] / bgstim = (nonword1) </block>
<text nonword1> /size = (500, 70) /items = ("YARSA") /position = (50, 50) /halign = center /select = sequence / fontstyle = ("Arial", -18, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text>
<likert lipanat> / anchors = [1="Doesn't fit at all"; 4="Fits somewhat"; 7="Fits very well"] / stimulusframes = [1 = ipanatmoodqs] / numpoints=7 / position= (50, 80) / anchorwidth=120px / trialdata = [ipanatmoodqs] </likert>
<text ipanatmoodqs> /size = (500, 70) /items = ipanatmooditems /position = (50, 60) /halign = center /select = noreplace, norepeat / fontstyle = ("Arial", -15, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text>
<item ipanatmooditems> /1 = "cheerful" /2 = "energetic" /3 = "happy" /4 = "helpless" /5 = "inhibited" /6 = "tense" </item>
Thanks, Steve