Reaction Time and Audio File Questions

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I am writing a script where I would like to have a ball bouncing continuously on the screen for 2 minutes. For this block, the participant will be instructed to tap the space key when the ball hits the bottom of the screen.

1. I would like to record reaction time data, but I am unsure of how to go about doing this.

2. Is there any way that I can make a sound appear whenever the keyboard is tapped during this block?

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> I am writing a script where I would like to have a ball bouncing continuously on the screen for 2 minutes. For this block, the participant will
> be instructed to tap the space key when the ball hits the bottom of the screen.

You can have a <video> displaying the bouncing ball displayed during the entire <block> using its /bgstim attribute. You'll also want the <block>'s /timeout to 120000 (2 minutes).

> 1. I would like to record reaction time data, but I am unsure of how to go about doing this.

Have the <block> run a single <trial> that does not display any stimuli, but mere allows for pressing the space bar. If you want latencies relative to the start of the <block>, you can log the block's elapsedtime property to the data file.

> 2. Is there any way that I can make a sound appear whenever the keyboard is tapped during this block?

Yes. You can play back a sound via the <trial>'s /responsemessage attribute.

In a nutshell:

<block myblock>
/ bgstim = (bouncingballvideo)
/ trials = [1=keypresstrial]
/ timeout = 120000

<trial keypresstrial>
/ isvalidresponse = [{values.rt_relative_to_blockstart = block.myblock.elapsedtime; trial.keypresstrial.response == 57}]
/ branch = [trial.keypresstrial]
/ responsemessage = (57,systembeep, 50)

<video bouncingballvideo>
/ items = ("bouncingball.mpg")
/ playthrough = false
/ loop = true
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)

/ rt_relative_to_blockstart = -1

/ columns = [date time subject group blocknum blockcode trialnum trialcode response latency values.rt_relative_to_blockstart]
/ separatefiles = true

As for scripts in the library, the "Inattentional Blindness Task" is similar in nature and worth taking a look at:

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So far I've coded the ball bouncing using two trials (one where the ball bounces fast and the other where it bounces slow). I also have an mp3 sound file that I want to use for the response noise instead of systembeep. Here is what I've coded so far, but when I run the script I am unable to hear the sound when I press the space bar.

Second question is - how can I change the input from spacebar to a mouse click?


<block sync>
/ trials = [1-12 = random(slow,fast), taprecording]

<trial taprecording>
/ isvalidresponse = [{values.rt_relative_to_blockstart = block.sync.elapsedtime; trial.taprecording.response == 57}]
/ branch = [trial.taprecording]
/ responsemessage = (57,Jump_Sound.mp3, 50)

/ rt_relative_to_blockstart = -1

/ columns = [date time subject group blocknum blockcode trialnum trialcode response latency values.rt_relative_to_blockstart]
/ separatefiles = true

<trial fast>
/ pretrialpause = replace(0-850)
/ stimulustimes = [
 0=ball10, table;
15=blank10, ball12.5;
30=blank12.5, ball15;
45=blank15, ball17.5;
60=blank17.5, ball20;
75=blank20, ball17.5;
90=blank17.5, ball15;
105=blank15, ball12.5;
120=blank12.5, ball10;
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ timeout = 120

<trial slow>
/ pretrialpause = replace(0-1105)
/ stimulustimes = [
 0=ball10, table;
20=blank10, ball12.5;
40=blank12.5, ball15;
60=blank15, ball17.5;
80=blank17.5, ball20;
100=blank20, ball17.5;
120=blank17.5, ball15;
140=blank15, ball12.5;
160=blank12.5, ball10;
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ timeout = 160

<picture ball20>
/ items = ("ball.png")
/ position = (70,20)
/ valign = top
/ size = (12%,12%)

<shape blank20>
/ shape = rectangle
/ position = (70,20)
/ color = black
/ valign = top
/ size = (12%,12%)

<picture ball17.5>
/ items = ("ball.png")
/ position = (70,17.5)
/ valign = top
/ size = (12%,12%)

<shape blank17.5>
/ shape = rectangle
/ position = (70,17.5)
/ color = black
/ valign = top
/ size = (12%,12%)

<picture ball15>
/ items = ("ball.png")
/ position = (70,15)
/ valign = top
/ size = (12%,12%)

<shape blank15>
/ shape = rectangle
/ position = (70,15)
/ color = black
/ valign = top
/ size = (12%,12%)

<picture ball12.5>
/ items = ("ball.png")
/ position = (70,12.5)
/ valign = top
/ size = (12%,12%)

<shape blank12.5>
/ shape = rectangle
/ position = (70,12.5)
/ color = black
/ valign = top
/ size = (12%,12%)

<picture ball10>
/ items = ("ball.png")
/ position = (70,10)
/ valign = top
/ size = (12%,12%)

<shape blank10>
/ shape = rectangle
/ position = (70,10)
/ color = black
/ valign = top
/ size = (12%,12%)

<picture table>
/ items = ("table1.png")
/ position = (70,20)
/ valign = top
/ erase = false
/ size = (20%, 20%)

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Posts: 12, Visits: 59
Ok so I figured out the sound issue, but is there any way to get two trials to play simultaneously?

<block sync>
/ preinstructions = (intro1sync)
/ trials = [1-12=random(slow,fast); 1-12=taprecording]

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> [...]  is there any way to get two trials to play simultaneously?


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Following the code you wrote above, I've created the manipulation. However, I would like to change the input from spacebar to a simple mouse click. How can I do this specifically for trial.trialname.response in the isvalidresponse attribute? When I type mouse it does not work.

<trial taprecordingA>
/ isvalidresponse = [{values.rt_relative_to_blockstart = block.recordingA.elapsedtime; trial.taprecordingA.response == mouse}]
/ branch = [trial.taprecordingA]
/ responsemessage = (mouse,bounce,200-250)

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You need to set the <trial>'s /inputdevice to either mouse or mousekey.

You need to specify a valid mouse event as detailed in the documentation for the /validresponse attribute. By "simple click" you probably mean pressing the left mouse button. The event for that is "leftbuttondown".

<trial taprecordingA>
/ inputdevice = mousekey
/ isvalidresponse = [{values.rt_relative_to_blockstart = block.recordingA.elapsedtime; trial.taprecordingA.response == "lbuttondown"}]
/ branch = [trial.taprecordingA]
/ responsemessage = (lbuttondown,bounce,200-250)
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I've changed my input device from keyboard to mouse using the code above, however, whenever I click the mouse it pauses my video of the ball bouncing. It does not do this when i set the input to keyboard. Why might this be, and how could I go about setting my input device to mousekey while making sure it does not pause my video?

Here is the script:

<block recordingA>
/ trials = [1=taprecordingA]
/ bgstim = (ballbouncevideo_A)
/ timeout = 60000

<trial taprecordingA>
/ inputdevice = mousekey
/ isvalidresponse = [{values.rt_relative_to_blockstart = block.recordingA.elapsedtime; trial.taprecordingA.response == "lbuttondown" }]
/ branch = [trial.taprecordingA]
/ responsemessage = (lbuttondown,bounce,200)

/ rt_relative_to_blockstart = -1

<video ballbouncevideo_A>
/ items = ("PatternAVideo.mp4")
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ size = (100%, 100%)

<sound bounce>
/ items = ("Jump_Sound.mp3")
/ resetinterval = 200

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I don't have your video, so I had to plug in some other, arbitrary mp4 I had lying around. I am unable to reproduce this. The video plays uninterrupted upon mouse click for me. I'll point out though, that you should use a <video> element -- not <sound> -- to play back the mp3 "bounce" sound. Please check if this makes any difference.

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One more thought what might be going on here. If you're running this on a Mac, it's possible that the OS's media display subsystem interprets mouse clicks as commands (and e.g. briefly pauses the video when the mouse button is pressed / until it's released).

I'm not near a Mac right now, but perhaps one can work around this by overlaying some transparent stimulus and defining that as the valid response. I.e.

<block recordingA>
/ trials = [1=taprecordingA]
/ bgstim = (ballbouncevideo_A)
/ timeout = 60000

<trial taprecordingA>
/ stimulusframes = [1=click]
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ isvalidresponse = [{values.rt_relative_to_blockstart = block.recordingA.elapsedtime; trial.taprecordingA.response == "click" }]
/ branch = [trial.taprecordingA]
/ responsemessage = ("click",bounce,200)

<picture click>
/ items = ("transparent.png")
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ erase = false

/ rt_relative_to_blockstart = -1

<video ballbouncevideo_A>
/ items = ("PatternAVideo.mp4")
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ size = (100%, 100%)

<video bounce>
/ items = ("Jump_Sound.mp3")


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