Group: Awaiting Activation
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Hi, I have a snippet of my script here hoping to get some suggestions on how to recall a single picture/trial at the end of the experiment. Each slide(picture) is associated with a couple numbers ( a fixed win amount, a gamble win amount, and a gamble win percentage) that are expressed on the slide. The script currently stores the results of the winning amount and recalls one trial's result at random at the end of the experiment and from which trial it was on. I wish to recall the slide(picture) that is associated with that trial. This way the participant can visually see the trial that was picked for their reward instead of just seeing the result.
Here is the snippet of the script:
<values> / prob = 0 / probamount = 0 / fixedamount = 5 / win = 0 / randomnumber = 0 / slidevalues = 0 / lottery = 0 </values> **********************************blocks************************************************************** <block fixedblock> / trials = [1-5=fixedtrial] </block>
<trial fixedtrial> / ontrialbegin = [values.probamount=list.slidevalues.nextvalue; values.prob=list.slideprob.nextvalue;; ] / ontrialbegin = [values.randomnumber = rand(0,100); ] / ontrialbegin = [picture.risk_slides] / ontrialend = [if (trial.fixedtrial.response=="30") {;}; ] / ontrialend = [if (trial.fixedtrial.response=="10" && values.prob >= values.randomnumber) {; values.lottery=100 }; ] / ontrialend = [if (trial.fixedtrial.response=="10" && values.prob < values.randomnumber) {;values.lottery=69 }; ] / ontrialend = [item.storedwinnings.appenditem( ] / stimulusframes = [1=30, 10, risk_slides] / inputdevice = mouse / response = timeout(5000) / validresponse = (30, 10) / posttrialpause = 100 </trial>
<picture risk_slides> /items = ("1#5#13.png","1#8#13.png","1#20#13.png","1#50#13.png","1#125#13.png", "1#5#25.png","1#8#25.png","1#20#25.png","1#50#25.png","1#125#25.png", "1#5#38.png","1#8#38.png","1#20#38.png","1#50#38.png","1#125#38.png", "1#5#50.png","1#8#50.png","1#20#50.png","1#50#50.png","1#125#50.png", "1#5#75.png","1#8#75.png","1#20#75.png","1#50#75.png","1#125#75.png",) / size = (80%, 80%) / select = list.slidevalues.currentindex </picture>
<list slidevalues> / items = (5,8,20,50,125,5,8,20,50,125,5,8,20,50,125,5,8,20,50,125,5,8,20,50,125) /selectionmode = random </list>
<list slideprob> / items = (13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 38, 38, 38, 38, 38, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75) /selectionmode = list.slidevalues.currentindex </list>
<text 30> / items = ("0") / position = (25%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 75%) </text> fixed
<text 10> / items = ("1") / position = (67%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 70%) </text> Known
<trial payouttrial> / stimulusframes = [1=payoutmsg, payout, trialmsg, endslide] / validresponse = (57) </trial>
<block payoutblock> / trials = [1=payouttrial] </block>
<text payoutmsg> / items = ("Your payout is") / position = (50%, 40%) </text>
<text payout> / items = storedwinnings </text>
<text trialmsg> / items = ("which is the amount you won in trial #<%text.payout.currentitemnumber%>." ) / position = (50%, 60%) </text>
<picture endslide> / items = ("<%picture.risk_slides.currentitem%>") / position = (25%, 25%) / size = (20%, 20%) </picture>
<item storedwinnings> </item>
The error is involving appending the picture while also appending the winnings.
Any help would be great! Thanks again