Inquisit can't open sound files

posted 9 Years Ago HOT
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Hi, I'm new to using this software and I'm trying to insert a sound file into my script...

<sound 250hz>
/ items = ("M:\My Documents\A1 LJMU Psychology Studies\PhD Autonomic Correlates Of Listening Effort\Pure Tones\250Hz.wav")
<sound 500hz>
/ items = ("M:\My Documents\A1 LJMU Psychology Studies\PhD Autonomic Correlates Of Listening Effort\Pure Tones\500Hz.wav")
<likert ListeningQu>
/ stimulusframes = [1=250hz; 2=500hz]
/ anchors = [1="very well"; 2="well"; 3="moderately"; 4="unclear"; 5="not at all"]
/ position = (50, 80)

But, it comes up with an error saying it cannot open the sound files.
Does anyone know why? Or how to correct this?
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Either the file path is wrong or the files are not supported WAVs. In the latter case you can either re-encode the files to standard 16-bit PCM WAVs or try using the <video> element instead of <sound>.

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Thanks for the help Dave!
Do you know (or anyone else) if there is a way to code so that the participant hearing the sound stimuli and manually adjust the volume, possibly using a slider on the screen or something along those lines?
K :)
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You can do something along the lines of to allow for adjusting volume.

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Thank you so much! I've attempted to use that in my script, however, I think I'm missing something as I expected that if I responded with '1' on my likert scale, there would be a second presentation of sound with the adjusted volume. However, this doesn't happen. Why is this?

<sound example>
/ items = ("M:\My Documents\A1 LJMU Psychology Studies\PhD Autonomic Correlates Of Listening Effort\INQUISIT Trials\PureTone 250Hz 20Db.wav")
<likert ListeningQu>
/ stimulusframes = [1= example]
/ anchors = [1="I can hear", 2="Barely audiable", 3="I can not hear anything"]
/ position = (50, 80)
/ ontrialend=[if (likert.ListeningQu.response == "1") sound.example.volume = sound.example = -100]
<block AgeGender>
/ trials = [1=WelcomeMsgTrial; 2=AgeTrial; 3=GenderTrial; 4=HITrial; 5=ListeningInstructions; 6=ListeningQu]
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> I expected that if I responded with '1' on my likert scale, there would be a second presentation of sound with the adjusted volume. However,
> this doesn't happen. Why is this?

There is nothing in your code that would run the <likert> again. If you want to run it again, you need to /branch to it of the response is 1.

Notice the /branch logic in the example I directed you to. <trial mytrial> is run again unless the response is "stop".


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