Disappearing photo on a surveypage when checkbox item is unanswered

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Posts: 3, Visits: 3
Hi, I have a short question.
I want to present a photo on a surveypage with some checkbox elements.
Currently I present the photo as <picture> and via the page´s stimulusframe, but then I have the problem that when a checkbox item is unanswered and you klick the finishlabel-button, the photo disappears.

<item Foto1>
/1 = "0245_m_portrait_20150618.JPG"

<picture Foto1>
/ numitems = 1
/ items = Foto1
/ size = (672, 813,12)
/position = (20,50)

<surveypage foto1> /caption = "" /stimulusframes=[1= Foto1] /questions =  [1= gepflegt.haare;2= gepflegt.gesicht;3=gestylt.haare;4= gestylt.gesicht;5= makeup; 6= gesichtsausdruck; 7=values;8 = c1;9 = c2;10 = c3;11 = c4;12= c5;13= c6;14 = Skala; 15 = Skala2; 16 = wenn] /showquestionnumbers= false/showpagenumbers= false/ response= timeout (1000000000)/ fontstyle = ("Bell Gothic STD Black", 18pt, true, false ,false, false, 5, 0)/finishlabel = "Klick hier für weiter!" </surveypage>

Is it possible to set up the photo as an <image> element to present it in the question attribute? or would I need to display it as <picture> in any other of the surveypages attributes?

Thank you!
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> Is it possible to set up the photo as an <image> element to present it in the question attribute?

Yes, that is exactly what you'll want to do here.

<image Foto1>
/ items = ("0245_m_portrait_20150618.JPG")

<surveypage foto1>
/ questions = [1=Foto1; 2=...]


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