Randomisation of different types of video's

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 10
Dear Forum,

I am having some trouble randomizing my video stimuli and I hope you can help me. 

My participants will watch several video clips. Each video is followed by a surveypage containing questions about that video.
I want the video's to be randomized, but the questions about the video need to remain the same. 

In total I have 36 videos. But I have 4 different types of videos (each type has 9 video's) which require their own response (press a left or a right key).

I have tried using noreplacenorepeat, but this does not seem to be working. Inquisit still selects some video's multiple times and others not at all.
And I tried using /resetinterval. But I don't know how or where to specify this? 
Another solution may be to put all the different videos in one 'object' and then randomly select from that object, but I have no idea how to do this.

I hope you can help me! Thank you in advance,



<item Dom.left>
/1 = "Dominant_Links_1_120ms_Wit.avi"
/2 = "Dominant_Links_2_120ms_Wit.avi"
/3 = "Dominant_Links_3_120ms_Wit.avi"
/4 = "Dominant_Links_4_120ms_Wit.avi"
/5 = "Dominant_Links_5_120ms_Wit.avi"
/6 = "Dominant_Links_6_120ms_Wit.avi"
/7 = "Dominant_Links_7_120ms_Wit.avi"
/8 = "Dominant_Links_8_120ms_Wit.avi"
/9 = "Dominant_Links_10_120ms_Wit.avi"

<item Dom.right>
/1 = "Dominant_Rechts_1_120ms_Wit.avi"
/2 = "Dominant_Rechts_2_120ms_Wit.avi"
/3 = "Dominant_Rechts_3_120ms_Wit.avi"
/4 = "Dominant_Rechts_4_120ms_Wit.avi"
/5 = "Dominant_Rechts_5_120ms_Wit.avi"
/6 = "Dominant_Rechts_6_120ms_Wit.avi"
/7 = "Dominant_Rechts_7_120ms_Wit.avi"
/8 = "Dominant_Rechts_8_120ms_Wit.avi"
/9 = "Dominant_Rechts_10_120ms_Wit.avi"

<item Sub.left>
/1 = "Submissief_Links_1_120ms_Wit.avi"
/2 = "Submissief_Links_2_120ms_Wit.avi"
/3 = "Submissief_Links_3_120ms_Wit.avi"
/4 = "Submissief_Links_4_120ms_Wit.avi"
/5 = "Submissief_Links_5_120ms_Wit.avi"
/6 = "Submissief_Links_6_120ms_Wit.avi"
/7 = "Submissief_Links_7_120ms_Wit.avi"
/8 = "Submissief_Links_8_120ms_Wit.avi"
/9 = "Submissief_Links_10_120ms_Wit.avi"

<item Sub.right>
/1 = "Submissief_Rechts_1_120ms_Wit.avi"
/2 = "Submissief_Rechts_2_120ms_Wit.avi"
/3 = "Submissief_Rechts_3_120ms_Wit.avi"
/4 = "Submissief_Rechts_4_120ms_Wit.avi"
/5 = "Submissief_Rechts_5_120ms_Wit.avi"
/6 = "Submissief_Rechts_6_120ms_Wit.avi"
/7 = "Submissief_Rechts_7_120ms_Wit.avi"
/8 = "Submissief_Rechts_8_120ms_Wit.avi"
/9 = "Submissief_Rechts_10_120ms_Wit.avi"

<video Dom.left>
/ items = Dom.left
/ position = (50,40)
/ size = (450, 450)
/ select = noreplacenorepeat

<video Dom.right>
/ items = Dom.right
/ position = (50,40)
/ size = (450, 450)
/ select = noreplacenorepeat

<video Sub.left>
/ items = Sub.left
/ position = (50,40)
/ size = (450, 450)
/ select = noreplacenorepeat

<video Sub.right>
/ items = Sub.right
/ position = (50,40)
/ size = (450, 450)
/ select = noreplacenorepeat

************RESPONSE OPTIONS*******************

<item resp.left>
/1 = "Left.jpg"

<picture resp.left>
/ items = resp.left
/ position = (35,80)
/ size = (200, 200)
/ erase = false

<item resp.right>
/1 = "Right.jpg"

<picture resp.right>
/ items = resp.right
/ position = (65,80)
/ size = (200, 200)
/ erase = false


<trial Dom.left>
/ pretrialpause = 1250
/ stimulustimes=[0=Dom.left, resp.left, resp.right]
/ correctresponse = ("p")
/ validresponse = ("q", "p")

<trial Dom.right>
/ pretrialpause = 1250
/ stimulustimes=[0=Dom.right, resp.left, resp.right]
/ correctresponse = ("q")
/ validresponse = ("q", "p")

<trial Sub.left>
/ pretrialpause = 1250
/ stimulustimes=[0=Sub.left, resp.left, resp.right]
/ correctresponse = ("p")
/ validresponse = ("q", "p")

<trial Sub.right>
/ pretrialpause = 1250
/ stimulustimes=[0=Sub.right, resp.left, resp.right]
/ correctresponse = ("q")
/ validresponse = ("q", "p")


<slider competitive>
/caption = "Hoe competitief vond je de speler?"
/labels = ("Helemaal niet competitief", "Heel erg competitief")
/fontstyle= ("Arial", -12)
/range = (0,100)
/increment = 1
/position = (20, 10)
/slidersize = (50,5)
/showticks = false
/showtooltips = false

<slider experience>
/caption = "Hoe ervaren vond je de speler?"
/labels = ("Helemaal niet ervaren", "Heel erg ervaren")
/fontstyle= ("Arial", -12)
/range = (0,100)
/increment = 1
/position = (20, 30)
/slidersize = (50,5)
/showticks = false
/showtooltips = false

<slider confidence>
/caption = "Hoe zelfverzekerd vond je de speler?"
/labels = ("Helemaal niet zelfverzekerd", "Heel erg zelfverzekerd")
/fontstyle= ("Arial", -12)
/range = (0,100)
/increment = 1
/position = (20, 50)
/slidersize = (50,5)
/showticks = false
/showtooltips = false

<slider expectancy>
/caption = "Hoe zeker ben je dat je de bal zou kunnen stoppen?"
/labels = ("Helemaal niet zeker", "Volledig zeker")
/fontstyle= ("Arial", -12)
/range = (0,100)
/slidersize = (50,5)
/increment = 1
/position = (20, 70)
/showticks = false
/showtooltips = false

<surveypage Questions1>
/questions = [1 = competitive; 2 = experience; 3 = confidence; 4 = expectancy]


<block Blok1Exp>
/trials = [1 = noreplacenorepeat (Dom.left, Dom.right, Sub.left, Sub.right); 2 = Questions1]

<expt Experiment>
/ blocks = [1 - 36 = Blok1Exp]

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 104K
Your setup is wrrong for what you want to do. You'll want to do

<trial Dom.left>
/ pretrialpause = 1250
/ stimulustimes=[0=Dom.left, resp.left, resp.right]
/ correctresponse = ("p")
/ validresponse = ("q", "p")
/ branch = [surveypage.questions1]

<trial Dom.right>
/ pretrialpause = 1250
/ stimulustimes=[0=Dom.right, resp.left, resp.right]
/ correctresponse = ("q")
/ validresponse = ("q", "p")
/ branch = [surveypage.questions1]

<trial Sub.left>
/ pretrialpause = 1250
/ stimulustimes=[0=Sub.left, resp.left, resp.right]
/ correctresponse = ("p")
/ validresponse = ("q", "p")
/ branch = [surveypage.questions1]

<trial Sub.right>
/ pretrialpause = 1250
/ stimulustimes=[0=Sub.right, resp.left, resp.right]
/ correctresponse = ("q")
/ validresponse = ("q", "p")
/ branch = [surveypage.questions1]


<block Blok1Exp>
/trials = [1-36 = noreplacenorepeat (Dom.left, Dom.right, Sub.left, Sub.right);]

<expt Experiment>
/ blocks = [1 = Blok1Exp]


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