Mixed up web data folders

Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)
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Hello Everybody,

we have a slight problem with a series of web experiments. The explanation of what happened is rather tedious but please bear with me. Things went as follows:

1. We have one web account for which multiple users are registered (i.e., my student assistants, a coworker, and myself). Let's call this account "web2"
2. A few months ago we uploaded multiple web scripts for this account, say A1, A2, A3
3. Data collection occurred into the folders web2/A1, web2/A2, web2/A3. Up to this point, everything went fine
4. Then, we coded new versions of the experiments, having the same logic but a few different elements (e.g., png instead of bmp images, different instructions)
5. We deleted the old experiments A1, A2, A3
6. We uploaded the new experiments which had exactly the same names as the old experiments, i.e., A1, A2, A3. Upload was done by userX
7. We forgot to delete the old data folders (yeah, I know...)
8. Few of the experiments had errors which were corrected by another person with the login userY
9. Now, part of data collection goes into the subfolders web2/userX/A1, ...,  and the other part into web2/userY/A2, ...
10. No data is stored in the original folders web2/A1, ...
11. Only the account "admin" or whatever I am can see all subfolders. userX does not see the accounts for userY, and vice versa, and userZ sees neither

First, excuse our scenario being quite the screw-up. Second, my question would be how to fix this. It's ok for us that data are collected in subfolders with specific usernames. It's a slight problem, however, that not all users registered for the account web2 can see all data folders for this account.

Best wishes
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Access to other users' scripts and data is determined by the respective user's access level to the account:

- A user with an administrator role can see and access other users' data.
- A user with a user role can only see and access her/his "own" data folders.

What can and cannot be accessed depending on the different roles is detailed at https://www.millisecond.com/myaccount/privileges.aspx .

If all account users are supposed to be able to access each others' data, etc., then changing their roles to administrator would be the way to go (a current administrator can change other users' roles via https://www.millisecond.com/myaccount/account.aspx ).

Hope this helps.

Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)
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Perfect answer, Dave, thanks a lot.

Only difficulty is that when I try to change the user role to "Account Admin" I get the error message:

Procedure or function 'acctUpdateAccountUser' expects parameter '@firstname', which was not supplied.

It is correct that no first and last names are set for the account. Can I change these or is the user responsible?

Best wishes, Malte

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Yes, usually the user would be responsible to provide those data fields. However, if you provide me with the account and user email address (via PM), I can fill in those fields and/or upgrade the roles to admin on my end.

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Thanks a lot, Dave, I just emailed her and asked her to enter her user data.

May I ask one further thing: can you explain briefly why data files were handled differently for the two waves of experiments? Specifically, why data were stored directly in the account folder the first time (visible to all users), as opposed to separate user-subfolders the second time around?

Kind regards, Malte
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I can't be sure without an exact timeline of events, but my suspicion would be that the first wave was run before the more fine-grained user roles and access controls were rolled out, thus leaving the data accessible to all users under the shared account.

Hope this helps.


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