Branching out if subject underperforms

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 36, Visits: 146
Hi Dave,

I'm having trouble figuring out how to send underperforming subjects to a page that gives them their % accuracy. I've tried onblockend and branch but nothing seems to work. I also want them to pass a capture check, and if they don't, for that to send them to another page. Here are the relevant portions of script:

<block sliderintro>
/ trials = [1-2 = instructions_1; 3 = milk_slide_pic; 4 = instructions_2]
/ bgstim = (spacebar)

<block slider>
/ trials = [ 1-38 = noreplace(capture1, capture2, 
alc, alc, alc, alc, alc, alc, alc, alc, alc, alc, alc, alc, alc, alc, alc, alc, alc, alc,
nonalc, nonalc, nonalc, nonalc, nonalc, nonalc, nonalc, nonalc, nonalc, nonalc, nonalc, nonalc, nonalc, nonalc, nonalc, nonalc, nonalc, nonalc)]
/ onblockend = [if (values.capture < 4) block.nocapture else block.stimintro]

<block stimintro>
/ trials = [1 = preinstructions_3; 2 = instructions_3; 3-4 = instructions_3a; 5-6 = instructions_3b; 7-10 = instructions_3c; 11 = probe_practice1; 12 = probe_practice2; 13 = instructions_4]
/ bgstim = (spacebar)

<block stimuli>
/ trials = [1-36 = noreplace(
alcoholAL, alcoholAL, alcoholAL, alcoholAL, alcoholAR, alcoholAR, alcoholAR, alcoholAR,
alcoholAL, alcoholAL, alcoholAL, alcoholAL, alcoholAL, alcoholAR, alcoholAR, alcoholAR, alcoholAR, alcoholAR, 
alcoholBL, alcoholBL, alcoholBL, alcoholBL, alcoholBR, alcoholBR, alcoholBR, alcoholBR, alcoholBR, alcoholBR, 
alcoholBL, alcoholBL, alcoholBL, alcoholBL, alcoholBL, alcoholBR, alcoholBR, alcoholBR)]
/ onblockend = [if (expressions.alc_percent < 75 || expressions.nonalc_percent < 75) block.underaccuracy else block.mturk]

<block nocapture>
/ trials = [1 = nocapture]

<block underaccuracy>
/ trials = [1 = underaccuracy]

<block mturk>
/ trials = [1 = mturk]

/ blocks = [1 = sliderintro; 2 = slider]


/ probe_alc_pos = 0
/ probe_nonalc_pos = 0
/ probe_arrow_pos = 0
/ probe_alc_rt_sum = 0
/ probe_nonalc_rt_sum = 0
/ image_cat = 0
/ image_name = 0
/ alc_enjoy_sum = 0
/ alc_want_sum = 0
/ alc_num = 0
/ alc_rt_sum = 0
/ nonalc_enjoy_sum = 0
/ nonalc_want_sum = 0
/ nonalc_num = 0
/ nonalc_rt_sum = 0
/ alc_probe_sum = 0
/ nonalc_probe_sum = 0
/ slider_correct = 0
/ capture = 0

/ alc_enjoy_meanrating = (values.alc_enjoy_sum/values.alc_num)
/ alc_want_meanrating = (values.alc_want_sum/values.alc_num)
/ alc_rating_meanRT = (values.alc_rt_sum/values.alc_num)
/ nonalc_enjoy_meanrating = (values.nonalc_enjoy_sum/values.nonalc_num)
/ nonalc_want_meanrating = (values.nonalc_want_sum/values.nonalc_num)
/ nonalc_rating_meanRT = (values.nonalc_rt_sum/values.nonalc_num)
/ alc_probe_correct = (values.alc_probe_sum/18)
/ nonalc_probe_correct = (values.nonalc_probe_sum/18)
/ alc_probe_meanRT = (values.probe_alc_rt_sum/values.alc_probe_sum)
/ nonalc_probe_meanRT = (values.probe_nonalc_rt_sum/values.nonalc_probe_sum)
/ alc_percent = round(expressions.alc_probe_correct*100)
/ nonalc_percent = round(expressions.nonalc_probe_correct*100)

<trial alcoholAL>
/ posttrialpause = 1000
/ stimulustimes = [0 = fixation; 500 = erasefixation, alcoholL_arrowL, nonalcR_arrowL, arrowL; 700 = blankscreen, drink_nonalc, drink_alc]
/ validresponse = (200, 208)
/ iscorrectresponse = [(text.drink_alc.vposition == 35% && trial.alcoholAL.response == 200) || (text.drink_alc.vposition == 65% && trial.alcoholAL.response == 208)]
/ correctmessage = (drink_alc_clicked, 500)
/ errormessage = (drink_nonalc_clicked, 500)
/ branch = [if (text.drink_nonalc.vposition == 35% && trial.alcoholAL.response == 200) trial.alcoholAL.error == true]
/ branch = [if (text.drink_nonalc.vposition == 65% && trial.alcoholAL.response == 208) trial.alcoholAL.error == true]
/ responsemessage = (0, blankscreen, 100)
/ timeout = 3700
/ ontrialbegin = [values.probe_alc_pos = "L"; values.probe_nonalc_pos = "R"; values.probe_arrow_pos = "L"; values.image_cat = "ALC"; values.image_name = picture.alcoholl_arrowl.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if (trial.alcoholal.correct == true) 
 {values.alc_probe_sum += 1; values.probe_alc_rt_sum += trial.alcoholal.latency;};] 

<trial alc>
/ stimulustimes = [0 = alc]
/ validresponse = (0)
/ trialduration = 3000
/ ontrialbegin = [values.image_cat = "ALC"; values.image_name = picture.alc.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [values.image_cat = "ALC"; values.image_name = picture.alc.currentitem]
/ responsetrial = (0, rating)
/ correctresponse = (0)
/ beginresponsetime = 3000

<trial nonalc>
/ stimulustimes = [0 = nonalc]
/ validresponse = (0)
/ trialduration = 3000
/ ontrialbegin = [values.image_cat = "NONALC"; values.image_name = picture.nonalc.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [values.image_cat = "NONALC"; values.image_name = picture.nonalc.currentitem]
/ responsetrial = (0, rating)
/ correctresponse = (0)
/ beginresponsetime = 3000

<surveypage rating>
/ questions = [1 = stim_slider_want; 2 = stim_slider_enjoy]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = slider_q1, slider_l1, slider_r1, slider_remind, slider_q2, slider_l2, slider_r2, slider_remind]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ finishlabel = "Submit"
/ timeout = 10000
/ navigationbuttonfontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true)
/ nextbuttonposition = (46.75%, 85%)
/ ontrialbegin = [if (values.image_cat == "ALC") {values.image_cat = "ALC"; values.image_name = picture.alc.currentitem}]
/ ontrialbegin = [if (values.image_cat == "NONALC") {values.image_name = picture.nonalc.currentitem; values.image_cat = "NONALC"}]
/ ontrialend = [if (slider.stim_slider_want.response == 50 && slider.stim_slider_enjoy.response == 50 && surveypage.rating.latency >= 10000)
    values.slider_correct = 0 else values.slider_correct = 1]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.image_cat == "ALC" && values.slider_correct != 0) {values.alc_num += 1; 
 values.alc_enjoy_sum += slider.stim_slider_enjoy.response; 
 values.alc_want_sum += slider.stim_slider_want.response;
 values.alc_rt_sum += surveypage.rating.latency;};]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.image_cat == "NONALC" && values.slider_correct != 0) {values.nonalc_num += 1; 
 values.nonalc_enjoy_sum += slider.stim_slider_enjoy.response; 
 values.nonalc_want_sum += slider.stim_slider_want.response;
 values.nonalc_rt_sum += surveypage.rating.latency;};]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.image_cat == "ALC") values.image_name = picture.alc.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.image_cat == "NONALC") values.image_name = picture.nonalc.currentitem]
/ response = timeout (10000)

<trial capture1>
/ stimulustimes = [0 = hotchoc_slide_pic]
/ timeout = 3000
/ validresponse = (0)
/ responsetrial = (0, cap1_surv)

<surveypage cap1_surv>
/ questions = [1 = cap1_slider1; 2 = cap1_slider2]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = cap1_q1, cap1_l1, cap1_r1, slidercap_remind; 2 = cap1_q2, cap1_l2, cap1_r2, slider_remind]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ finishlabel = "Submit"
/ navigationbuttonfontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true)
/ nextbuttonposition = (46.75%, 85%)
/ timeout = 10000
/ ontrialend = [if (slider.cap1_slider1.response >= 75 || slider.cap1_slider2.response <= 25) 
    values.slider_correct = 1 else values.slider_correct = 0]
/ ontrialend = [if (slider.cap1_slider1.response >= 75 ) values.capture += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if (slider.cap1_slider2.response <= 25 ) values.capture += 1]

<slider cap1_slider1>
/ range = (0, 100)
/ increment = 1
/ slidersize = (80%, 50%)
/ position= (10%, 35%)
/ showtooltips = false

<slider cap1_slider2>
/ range = (0, 100)
/ increment = 1
/ slidersize = (80%, 50%)
/ position = (10%, 65%)
/ showtooltips = false

<slider cap2_slider1>
/ range = (0, 100)
/ increment = 1
/ slidersize = (80%, 50%)
/ position= (10%, 35%)
/ showtooltips = false

<slider cap2_slider2>
/ range = (0, 100)
/ increment = 1
/ slidersize = (80%, 50%)
/ position = (10%, 65%)
/ showtooltips = false

<text slidercap_remind>
/ items = ("Drag both sliders COMPLETELY to the correct responses, then click SUBMIT.")
/ hjustify = center
/ vjustify = center
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%, true)
/ position = (50%, 15%)
/ txcolor = (0, 191, 255)

<text cap1_q1>
/ items = ("What was shown in the previous image?")
/ hjustify = center
/ vjustify = center
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, true)
/ position = (50%, 30%)

<text cap1_l1>
/ items = ("telephone")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.25%, true)
/ position = (10%, 42%)

<text cap1_r1>
/ items = ("hot chocolate")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.25%, true)
/ position = (90%, 42%)

<text cap1_q2>
/ items = ("Are you paying attention to these questions?")
/ hjustify = center
/ vjustify = center
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, true)
/ position = (50%, 60%)

<text cap1_l2>
/ items = ("Yes, I am.")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.25%, true)
/ position = (10%, 71%)

<text cap1_r2>
/ items = ("No, I am not.")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.25%, true)
/ position = (90%, 71%)

<trial capture2>
/ stimulustimes = [0 = milk_slide_pic]
/ timeout = 3000
/ validresponse = (0)
/ branch = [surveypage.cap2_surv]

<surveypage cap2_surv>
/ questions = [1 = cap2_slider1; 2 = cap2_slider2]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = cap1_q1, cap2_l1, cap2_r1, slidercap_remind; 2 = cap1_q2, cap1_l2, cap1_r2, slider_remind]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ finishlabel = "Submit"
/ navigationbuttonfontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true)
/ nextbuttonposition = (46.75%, 85%)
/ timeout = 10000
/ ontrialend = [if (slider.cap2_slider1.response <= 25 || slider.cap2_slider2.response <= 25) 
    values.slider_correct = 1 else values.slider_correct = 0]
/ ontrialend = [if (slider.cap2_slider1.response <= 25 ) values.capture += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if (slider.cap2_slider2.response <= 25 ) values.capture += 1]

<text cap2_l1>
/ items = ("milk")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.25%, true)
/ position = (10%, 42%)

<text cap2_r1>
/ items = ("racecar")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.25%, true)
/ position = (90%, 42%)
              ACCURACY CHECK
<trial underaccuracy>
/ stimulusframes = [1=scorereport; 2=recommend; 3 = under]
/ validresponse = (lbuttondown)
/ recorddata = false

<text scorereport>
/ items = ("~tYour accuracy in identifying alcoholic beverages was <%expressions.alc_percent%>%. ~r~r
 Your accuracy in identifying non-alcoholic beverages was <% expressions.nonalc_percent %>%.")
/ hjustify = center
/ vjustify = center
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%)
/ position = (50%, 25%)
/ size = (100%, 30%)

<text recommend>
/ items = ("~tEither one or both of these accuracies is UNDER our 75% requirement, which was outlined in our consent form.~n 
 If you submit this HIT, we will reject it. We recommend you return the hit so as not to impact your rating.~n
 Please press Ctrl+Q to exit.~n~n
 Thank you for participating, and best of luck.")
/ hjustify = center
/ vjustify = center
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true)
/ position = (50%, 55%)
/ size = (100%, 30%)

<text under>
/ items = ("UNDER our 75% requirement,")
/ hjustify = center
/ vjustify = center
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true)
/ position = (52.84%, 44.79%)
/ txcolor = red

              CAPTURE CHECK
<trial nocapture>
/ stimulusframes = [1=accreport; 2=recommend2]
/ validresponse = (lbuttondown)
/ recorddata = false

<text accreport>
/ items = ("~tOut of our 4 mandatory attention checks, you passed <% values.capture %>.~r~r
This is under our attention check requirement, which was outlined in our consent form.")
/ hjustify = center
/ vjustify = center
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%)
/ position = (50%, 35%)
/ size = (100%, 30%)

<text recommend2>
/ items = ("~tIf you submit this HIT, we will reject it. We recommend you return the hit so as not to impact your rating.~n
 Please press Ctrl+Q to exit.~n~n
 Thank you for participating, and best of luck.")
/ hjustify = center
/ vjustify = center
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true)
/ position = (50%, 65%)
/ size = (100%, 30%)

<trial end>
/ pretrialpause = 250
/ posttrialpause = 250
/ stimulustimes = [1=end]
/ validresponse = (57)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ recorddata = false

<text end>
/ items = end
/ hjustify = center
/ vjustify = center
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true)
/ size = (90%, 80%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ select = sequence
/ resetinterval = 0

<item end>
/1 ="The tasks are now complete. You scored above 75% in accuracy and passed all of our attention checks.~r~r
Thank you for participating in this validation survey! We will be in touch for a follow-up with bonus payment in a few weeks.~r" 

I'm sure it's a total mess. I also think I've yet to fully grasp values & expressions.

Thanks, as ever, for the feedback.

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ldobb - 8 Years Ago
Dave - 8 Years Ago
ldobb - 8 Years Ago
Dave - 8 Years Ago
ldobb - 8 Years Ago
                         Dave, I think I figured it out! I split the /ontrialend into two...
ldobb - 8 Years Ago
ldobb - 8 Years Ago
                         You have <picture alc_pics> / items =...
Dave - 8 Years Ago
                             So, I did this again with two sets of pictures (alc_picsL) and...
ldobb - 8 Years Ago
                                 <block stimuli> / trials = [1-72 = noreplace( arrowL, arrowL,...
Dave - 8 Years Ago
                                     Nice catch, whoops. Still, when I run a tes.t, it doesn't show...
ldobb - 8 Years Ago
                                         Are all of my selectionmodes correct? I probably have them wrong....
ldobb - 8 Years Ago
                                             <trial arrowL> / ontrialbegin = [values.probe_alc_pos =...
Dave - 8 Years Ago
                                                 P.S.: For a simple illustration that may clarify the above, see the...
Dave - 8 Years Ago
                                                     That's super helpful, thanks so much for that. I'm now thinking the...
ldobb - 8 Years Ago
                                                         I've tried to explain this before in this thread. To quote the...
Dave - 8 Years Ago
                                                             I see what you mean. Should I tie them to items? Get rid of the...
ldobb - 8 Years Ago
                                                             I see what you mean. Should I tie them to items? Get rid of the...
ldobb - 8 Years Ago
ldobb - 8 Years Ago
Dave - 8 Years Ago
                 That was it! Dave, you're the best.
ldobb - 8 Years Ago

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