Multiple stimuli upon an error

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 10, Visits: 83

We would like to present multiple stimuli upon an erroneous response (to remind the participant of certain instructions). The /errormessage command only seems to allow us to specify one stimulus. What would you advice?

Secondly, we were wondering if it is possible to somehow present a page on another occassion aside from the start of a new block, for example incorporate it into our "break trial"?

Thank you in advance!


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> The /errormessage command only seems to allow us to specify one stimulus. What would you advice?

Either (1) use /responsemessage attributes, of which you may define multiple (as opposed to /errormessage, of which there may only be a single one), or (2) /branch to a separate <trial> element in case of an error that displays your various stimuli as usual:

<trial mytrial>
/ branch = [if (trial.mytrial.error) trial.errortrial]

<trial errortrial>
/ stimulusframes = [1=errorstim1, errorstim2, errorstim3, ...]
/ validresponse = (0)
/ trialduration = 1000

> Secondly, we were wondering if it is possible to somehow present a page on another occassion aside from the start of a new block, for
> example incorporate it into our "break trial"?

No. <page> elements can only be displayed via /pre- and /postinstructions at the start or end of a <block> or <expt>. You need to incorporate your additional instructions as regular stimuli (<text>, <picture>, etc.) which you can then display in your "break" <trial> just like any other stimuli. You can also use a <surveypage> instead of a <trial>; <surveypage> elements are special types of trial.

Edited 9 Years Ago by Dave

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