Generate Screen Capture misses screens

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This is by no means a big issue, but an issue nonetheless.

The Generate Screen Capture option from the menu will consistently miss certain screens and omit certain parts of a screen.

Ex. I have a Likert-based experiment that has two trials. The instructions for the second trial are not Screen Captured.

Ex. I have a survey page that uses a text stimulus frame and presents an image using the /questions element. The text stimulus is not included on the Screen Capture.

Ciao for now,

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Could you share the code for the two <likert> elements and indicate which specific stimuli are missing in one vs the other? Thanks.

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Just a clarification:

"Ex. I have a Likert-based experiment that has two trials. The instructions for the second trial are One question from the first trial is not Screen Captured."

See HHHI_Likert_demo.iqx for that issue.

See Closing_demo.iqx (with ClosingWeb_MainLogo.gif) for the following issue: Ex. I have a survey page that uses a text stimulus frame and presents an image using the /questions element. The text stimulus is not included on the Screen Capture.

See HHPercent_Likert_demo.iqx for an issue where the text box and "Press Enter to Continue" button are missing from the screen captures of open-ended responses; and the second open-ended question is not Screen Captured.
HHPercent_Likert_demo.iqx (232 views, 3.00 KB)
HHHI_Likert_demo.iqx (237 views, 2.00 KB)
Closing_demo.iqx (226 views, 1.00 KB)
ClosingWeb_MainLogo.gif (235 views, 2.00 KB)
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Thanks for the code and additional details:

#1: I seem to be unable to reproduce the issue with HHHI_Likert_demo.iqx. The screen captures I'm getting display all stimuli presented, for both <likert> elements. Are you seeing this under Windows, OSX, or both?

Possibly unrelated, but perhaps worth pointing out:

<text HHHIpage>
/size = (500, 70)

The /size definition may be interpreted as percentages, i.e. giving the <text> element a width of 500%, and a height of 70%. I suspect the intention is to define the size in pixels, in which case

<text HHHIpage>
/size = (500px, 70px)

would be the proper explicit definition.

#2: While I am able to reproduce the "missing input box and submit button" issue, I am unable to reproduce the "screen capture for the 2nd <openended> is missing" problem with HHPercent_Likert_demo.iqx. On my test system at least, screen captures are generated for both instances of the <likert>. Here, too, are you seeing this under Windows, OSX, or both?


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Issue occurs under Windows 7 Enterprise, SP 1, 32-bit, I5-4200U, 4GB Ram.

The defaults for the size parameter are pixels (according to help file), so I haven't specified px. It is functioning as intended.

I'm not sure how to troubleshoot either of the issues where a screen is completely missed from being Screen Captured. At least the missing boxes are missing for you :P

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Thanks for the OS details. I've tested again under 32-bit Windows 7 and am unfortunately still unable to reproduce any completely missed screens. Not sure what may be going on here, but I'll of course include it in the bug report nonetheless.


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