Randomly moving dot

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I'm currently working on some experiment which differentiates groups by distractors they use. In one of them I need to include a dot moving randomly on the 'background'. I know it is probably possible to program it in html/other language in other file and then put it as an object but is it possible to do it using Inquisit's language? It is worth to mention that it would be optimal to have it moving for whole experiment duration (about 15 mins.) without restarting from same point, eventually it could start from random point. Sorry if I overlooked similard topic somewhere else.
Thanks for any help.

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If I understood your description correctly, no, I do not think this is currently possible in Inquisit syntax alone. You will probably have to resort to e.g. producing a video / some other kind of animation of a (seemingly) randomly moving dot and then displaying that stimulus via the <block> element's /bgstim attribute such that it runs in the background while trials are being executed.

To say more / to be certain there aren't any other alternatives, I'd probably need a little more information about the specifics of your experiment, though.


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