"Strobe-light" Flashing Glitch

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 4, Visits: 29

I am programming a task for the first time. I am adapting the affective priming task into one where I show participants face primes, and then they are supposed to categorize target words. I am trying to make the program have 9 separate randomized blocks which vary what category of pictures are shown (both categories in the block [intermixed], category 1 only in the block, category 2 only in the block,   x3) but present them seamlessly.

My problem is that after making the changes I thought were necessary, the task no longer runs correctly. Neither the pictures nor the words show up, let alone the instructions, and instead the black screen flashes white (hence the strobe-light likeness) and then it goes straight to the end (the screen says "Thank you for your participation!").

Is there a clear indication of what is wrong here? I've been up and down through the code several times and cannot see immediately what the problem is. There is still some coding that I need to change and fix but I expected that the coding I had done so far would not create this result.

The file is titled AffectivePriming_edited. I really appreciate any help or suggestions for my problem. 


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