Excel and Inquisit are not compatible (numbers showing wrong.

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Posts: 3, Visits: 10
Hi guys! I try to open iqdat files in excel but each time I do so, it imports the numbers wrongly. Also there is no seperation sign which makes it difficult to separate tabs. Copying everything in google drive then excel works, but still same problem with the numbers: in inquisit they are 350.1999999999999886, in excel 350.199.999.99.999.998.86 also different interpretation of comma/dot is happening...
What to do? 
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Posts: 13K, Visits: 106K
This is a problem on the Excel side of things and needs to be resolved there:

The column separator in *.iqdat files is the TAB character. You can specify the separator Excel should use via its Text Import Wizard (see e.g. https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Text-Import-Wizard-c5b02af6-fda1-4440-899f-f78bafe41857 ).

This is also where you can review and specify the format Excel should apply to a respective column.

As for the different interpretation of comma/dot, Excel uses the separators specified in your operating system's settings by default. However, this is also configurable: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Change-the-character-used-to-separate-thousands-or-decimals-c093b545-71cb-4903-b205-aebb9837bd1e


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