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I am trying to create an IAT whereby participants have to rate their levels of an emotion on a stimulus. I currently have the first Likert scale, but do not know how to display the second one right after the first one for all five trials. Below is the script that I use:
<expt> / preinstructions = (intro) / blocks = [1=likertdisgust, 2=likertVCU] / postinstructions = (end) </expt>
<data> /columns =[date time subject blocknum trialnum trialcode response latency stimulus] /format=tab </data>
<defaults> /screencolor = (255, 204, 0) /font = ("Arial", -24, 700, 0, 49) /txbgcolor=(255,255,255) </defaults>
<picture disgustqs> /size = (1400, 900) /items = disgustqs /position = (50, 50) /halign = center /select = sequence /select = noreplace /selectionrate = always </picture>
<item disgustqs> /1 = "Grouped Dead Man.png" /2 = "Dead Boar Grouped.png" /3 = "Grouped Dead Animal.png" /4 = "Disgust Snake Grouped.png" /5 = "Web Spider Grouped.png" </item>
<likert Disgust> / anchors = [1="not disgusting at all"; 4="very disgusting"] / stimulusframes = [1 = disgustqs] / mouse=false / numpoints=4 / position= (50, 90) / trialduration = 5000 </likert>
<block likertdisgust> / preinstructions=(rate_disgust) / trials = [1-5 = disgust] </block>
<likert VCU> / anchors = [1="not disgusting at all"; 4="very disgusting"] / mouse=false / numpoints=4 / position= (50, 90) / trialduration = 5000 </likert>
<block likertVCU> / trials = [1-5 = disgust] </block>
Please let me know if there is anything that I am missing. Thank you.