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> /stimulusframes = [1= fixation, 500=mask]
Using /stimulusframes does not make sense. The above would display the "mask" stimulus in the 500th display refresh cycle, not at 500ms. Suppose your display runs at 100Hz, i.e. a 10ms refresh cycle: Then the above would display the mask at ~5000ms into the trial (500 * 10ms). If your display runs at a lower refresh rate (e.g. 60Hz), the mask would be displayed even later.
You should use /stimulustimes instead:
/stimulustimes = [0= fixation, 500=mask]
You can alternatively insert the mask at the desired point in time using the insertstimulustime() function in an /ontrialbegin attribute, just as is done with various other stimuli in the <trial>.
<trial Practice> ... / ontrialbegin = [trial.Practice.insertstimulustime(shape.eraser, values.fixationduration)] / ontrialbegin = [trial.Practice.insertstimulustime(picture.PracticeTarget, values.fixationduration)] / ontrialbegin = [trial.Practice.insertstimulustime(picture.PracticeComp, values.fixationduration)] / ontrialbegin = [trial.Practice.insertstimulustime(shape.eraser, (values.fixationduration + values.targetduration))] / ontrialbegin = [trial.Practice.insertstimulustime(text.probe, (values.fixationduration + values.targetduration + values.TP_ISI))] ... </trial>
You will have to adjust those attributes accordingly to get the timings you want. In particular, note that a stimulus erasing the fixation cross (shape.eraser) and the target & comp pictures are all inserted at the same time. Those would *immediately* overwrite your mask. So, you'll want to push those out by the duration of the mask (66ms).
<trial Practice> ... / ontrialbegin = [trial.Practice.insertstimulustime(picture.mask, values.fixationduration)] / ontrialbegin = [trial.Practice.insertstimulustime(shape.eraser, (values.fixationduration + values.maskduration))] / ontrialbegin = [trial.Practice.insertstimulustime(picture.PracticeTarget, (values.fixationduration + values.maskduration))] / ontrialbegin = [trial.Practice.insertstimulustime(picture.PracticeComp, (values.fixationduration+ values.maskduration))] etc. ... </trial>