Restarting after procedure completion

André Rabelo
André Rabelo
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Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 1, Visits: 2

I am using Inquisit 4 and collecting data using the inquisit web platform. My study is an experiment with two conditions in the beginnig of the procedure and then a series of dependent measures. I just started data collection and found a problem: with two participants, the procedure automatically started from beginning after the participants had finished the procedure. This happened in more than one computer. I could not find any problems with the batch file, so I don't know how to prevent this from happening again. You can see the script in the batch file below. I appreciate any comments or suggestions on what to do.

/ subjects=(1 of 2)
/ groupassignment = random
/ file="exp_cond_connect.iqx"
/ file="Script TAI Solidão.iqx"
/ file="connect_lone_items.iqx"
/ file="Demographics.iqx"

/ subjects=(2 of 2)
/ groupassignment = random
/ file="exp_cond_control.iqx"
/ file="Script TAI Solidão.iqx"
/ file="connect_lone_items.iqx"
/ file="Demographics.iqx"

Best regards,

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It is possible that the respective participants have either (1) somehow managed to actually start the experiment twice (e.g. by hitting the start button repeatedly while the scripts where already downloading) or (2) that they are experiencing a potential bug in Chrome if that is the browser they have been using.

Some installations of Chrome appear to store or cache certain actions or JavaScript commands along with the protocol permission, thus leading them to be executed repeatedly at times. Reverting the setting in Chrome should resolve the problem. Unfortunately the process is somewhat involved because Chrome does not expose those settings via its GUI (cf. ).

Hope this helps.

Edited 8 Years Ago by Dave

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