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Visits: 26
Hey there,
i've got two problems including my the design of my current study-project into a running script. The design requires Videos of 12 footballplayers, standing in two different postures. In the end there are 24 Videos, half of them with a player standing dominant and the other with a person standing submissive. For example: Video "01.1D" shows the first player standing dominant, "01.1U" shows the first player standing submissive, "02.1D" shows the second player standing dominant, "02.1U" shows the second player standing submissive, etc.. Participants should see a random video (regardless of the type of video) and answer two questions afterwards. But they should only see either in the dominant or submissive video of one player. In the end they should see 12 videos randomly, but one video per player, either dominant or submissive. Furthermore they should see a total of six videos with a player standing dominant and six with a player standing submissive. I tried using /skip to adjust, that e.g. block "01.1D" should not be played if the block "01.1U" already ran (-> meanlatency >=0) and vice versa. I'm not sure wheather my script is deficient or this is just the wrong way, but if i include the /skip command the respective video won't be played at all. Is there any (other) possibility to implement this design with inquisit?
My second problem is even worse and by now i've got no clue how to implement it: And the very end, after all 12 videos, the participants should see photos of the 12 players they've already seen in the respective posture. At this time the participant should choose 6 of the players joining their own team. So the program needs to record which posture of which player was played and choose the respective photo afterwards. I've got no idea how to write a script, which implicates this kind of procedure and hope some of you can help me...
Script so far:
***** Defaults *****
<defaults> / screencolor = (255, 255, 255) / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 20pt) </defaults>
***** Videos und Items *****
<video 1.1D> / items = 1.1D / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 1.1D> / 1 = "1.1D.mp4" </item>
<video 2.1D> / items = 2.1D / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 2.1D> / 1 = "2.1D.mp4" </item>
<video 3.1D> / items = 3.1D / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 3.1D> / 1 = "3.1D.mp4" </item>
<video 4.1D> / items = 4.1D / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 4.1D> / 1 = "4.1D.mp4" </item>
<video 5.1D> / items = 5.1D / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 5.1D> / 1 = "5.1D.mp4" </item>
<video 6.1D> / items = 6.1D / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 6.1D> / 1 = "6.1D.mp4" </item>
<video 7.1D> / items = 7.1D / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 7.1D> / 1 = "7.1D.mp4" </item>
<video 8.1D> / items = 8.1D / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 8.1D> / 1 = "8.1D.mp4" </item>
<video 9.1D> / items = 9.1D / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 9.1D> / 1 = "9.1D.mp4" </item>
<video 10.1D> / items = 10.1D / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 10.1D> / 1 = "10.1D.mp4" </item>
<video 11.1D> / items = 11.1D / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 11.1D> / 1 = "11.1D.mp4" </item>
<video 12.1D> / items = 12.1D / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 12.1D> / 1 = "12.1D.mp4" </item>
<video 1.1U> / items = 1.1U / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 1.1U> /1 = "1.1U.mp4" </item>
<video 2.1U> / items = 2.1U / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 2.1U> /1 = "2.1U.mp4" </item>
<video 3.1U> / items = 3.1U / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 3.1U> /1 = "3.1U.mp4" </item>
<video 4.1U> / items = 4.1U / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 4.1U> /1 = "4.1U.mp4" </item>
<video 5.1U> / items = 5.1U / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 5.1U> /1 = "5.1U.mp4" </item>
<video 6.1U> / items = 6.1U / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 6.1U> /1 = "6.1U.mp4" </item>
<video 7.1U> / items = 7.1U / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 7.1U> /1 = "7.1U.mp4" </item>
<video 8.1U> / items = 8.1U / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 8.1U> /1 = "8.1U.mp4" </item>
<video 9.1U> / items = 9.1U / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 9.1U> /1 = "9.1U.mp4" </item>
<video 10.1U> / items = 10.1U / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 10.1U> /1 = "10.1U.mp4" </item>
<video 11.1U> / items = 11.1U / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 11.1U> /1 = "11.1U.mp4" </item>
<video 12.1U> / items = 12.1U / size = (90%, 90%) </video>
<item 12.1U> /1 = "12.1U.mp4" </item>
***** Slider *****
<slider ownteam> / caption = "...diese Spielerin in den Mannschaftskader deines eigenen Teams berufen wird? " / labels = ("Ãberhaupt nicht zuversichtlich", "MittelmäÃig zuversichtlich","Sehr zuversichtlich") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 10 / slidersize = (60%, 5%) / showticks = true / showtooltips = true / required = true </slider>
<slider oppteam> / caption = "...diese Spielerin beim Gegner spielt? " / labels = ("Ãberhaupt nicht zuversichtlich", "MittelmäÃig zuversichtlich","Sehr zuversichtlich") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 10 / slidersize = (60%, 5%) / showticks = true / showtooltips = true / required = true </slider>
***** Trials und Surveypages *****
<trial video_1.1D> / stimulusframes = [1= 1.1D] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_2.1D> / stimulusframes = [1= 2.1D] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_3.1D> / stimulusframes = [1= 3.1D] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_4.1D> / stimulusframes = [1= 4.1D] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_5.1D> / stimulusframes = [1= 5.1D] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_6.1D> / stimulusframes = [1= 6.1D] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_7.1D> / stimulusframes = [1= 7.1D] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_8.1D> / stimulusframes = [1= 8.1D] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_9.1D> / stimulusframes = [1= 9.1D] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_10.1D> / stimulusframes = [1= 10.1D] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_11.1D> / stimulusframes = [1= 11.1D] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_12.1D> / stimulusframes = [1= 12.1D] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_1.1U> / stimulusframes = [1= 1.1U] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_2.1U> / stimulusframes = [1= 2.1U] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_3.1U> / stimulusframes = [1= 3.1U] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_4.1U> / stimulusframes = [1= 4.1U] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_5.1U> / stimulusframes = [1= 5.1U] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_6.1U> / stimulusframes = [1= 6.1U] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_7.1U> / stimulusframes = [1= 7.1U] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_8.1U> / stimulusframes = [1= 8.1U] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_9.1U> / stimulusframes = [1= 9.1U] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_10.1U> / stimulusframes = [1= 10.1U] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_11.1U> / stimulusframes = [1= 11.1U] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<trial video_12.1U> / stimulusframes = [1= 12.1U] / pretrialpause = 50 / posttrialpause = 50 / timeout = (18000) </trial>
<surveypage assurance> / caption = "Wie zuversichtlich bist du, dass du mit deinem Team das Aufstiegsspiel gewinnst, wenn..." / fontstyle = ("Verdana", -16, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = true / itemfontstyle = ("Verdana", -14, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / questions = [1=ownteam; 2=oppteam] / finishlabel = "Weiter" / nextbuttonposition = (90%, 90%) </surveypage>
***** Demographics und Sports *****
<textbox age> / caption = "Alter" / range = (7,110) </textbox>
<radiobuttons sex> / caption = "Geschlecht" / options = ("Männlich", "Weiblich") / optionvalues = ("0", "1") </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons teamsports> / caption = "Ãbst Du momentan eine Mannschaftssportart im Verein aus oder hast Du schon einmal eine Mannschaftssportart im Verein ausgeübt?" / options = ("Ja", "Nein") / optionvalues = ("1", "2") </radiobuttons>
<textbox experience> / caption = "Wenn ja, wie lange (in Jahren) hast du diese Mannschaftssportart bereits im Verein ausgeübt?" / range = (0, 50) </textbox>
<checkboxes sports> / caption = "Welche Sportarten übst du aus oder hast du ausgeübt?" / options = ("Tischtennis", "Tennis", "Beachvolleyball", "Badminton", "Basketball", "Handball", "Volleyball", "FuÃball", "Unihockey") / other = "Andere" / optionvalues = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10") </checkboxes>
<surveypage demographics_sports> / caption = "Persönliche Angaben:" / fontstyle = ("Verdana", -16, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / showpagenumbers = false / itemfontstyle = ("Verdana", -12, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / questions = [1=age; 2=sex; 3=teamsports; 4=experience; 5=sports] / finishlabel = "Beenden" / nextbuttonposition = (90%, 90%) </surveypage>
***** Blocks und Survey *****
<block 01.1D_survey> / trials = [1=video_1.1D; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.01.1U_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 02.1D_survey> / trials = [1=video_2.1D; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.02.1U_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 03.1D_survey> / trials = [1=video_3.1D; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.03.1U_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 04.1D_survey> / trials = [1=video_4.1D; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.04.1U_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 05.1D_survey> / trials = [1=video_5.1D; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.05.1U_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 06.1D_survey> / trials = [1=video_6.1D; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.06.1U_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 07.1D_survey> / trials = [1=video_7.1D; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.07.1U_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 08.1D_survey> / trials = [1=video_8.1D; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.08.1U_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 09.1D_survey> / trials = [1=video_9.1D; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.09.1U_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 10.1D_survey> / trials = [1=video_10.1D; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.10.1U_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 11.1D_survey> / trials = [1=video_11.1D; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.11.1U_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 12.1D_survey> / trials = [1=video_12.1D; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.12.1U_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 01.1U_survey> / trials = [1=video_1.1U; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.01.1D_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 02.1U_survey> / trials = [1=video_2.1U; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.02.1D_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 03.1U_survey> / trials = [1=video_3.1U; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.03.1D_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 04.1U_survey> / trials = [1=video_4.1U; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.04.1D_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 05.1U_survey> / trials = [1=video_5.1U; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.05.1D_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 06.1U_survey> / trials = [1=video_6.1U; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.06.1D_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 07.1U_survey> / trials = [1=video_7.1U; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.07.1D_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 08.1U_survey> / trials = [1=video_8.1U; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.08.1D_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 09.1U_survey> / trials = [1=video_9.1U; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.09.1D_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 10.1U_survey> / trials = [1=video_10.1U; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.10.1D_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 11.1U_survey> / trials = [1=video_11.1U; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.11.1D_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<block 12.1U_survey> / trials = [1=video_12.1U; 2= assurance] / skip = [if(block.12.1D_survey.meanlatency >=0)] </block>
<survey demographics_sports> / pages = [1=demographics_sports] </survey>
***** Text und Instruktionen *****
<page introduction> ^Körpersprache im Teamsport ^^^^Liebe Teilnehmerin, lieber Teilnehmer, ^^vielen Dank für Deine Teilnahme an dieser Studie. ^^^Wir wollen damit untersuchen, inwieweit es möglich ist, Personen einzuschätzen, ohne sie unmittelbar zu kennen. </page>
<page instructions1> ^Im Folgenden werden Dir Videos von Fußballspielerinnen gezeigt. Diese dauern ca. 15 Sekunden. ^^Nach jedem Video bitten wir Dich, die gezeigte Person bezüglich verschiedener Eigenschaften einzuschätzen. ^^Bei der Beantwortung der Fragen ist es wichtig, dass Du mÃöglichst ehrlich antwortest. Es gibt keine richtigen oder falschen Antworten. </page>
<page instructions2> ^Abschließend wirst Du um Angaben zu Deiner Person und zu Deinem sportlichen Hintergrund gebeten. ^Zur Beantwortung aller Fragen wirst Du ca. 15 Minuten benötigen. ^^Alle Daten werden selbstverständlich anonymisiert ausgewertet! Du kannst die Studie jederzeit abbrechen. ^^Bei Fragen kannst du dich gerne an die Versuchsleitung wenden. </page>
<page end> ^^^^^^^ Vielen Dank für Deine Teilnahme. </page>
<instruct> / windowsize = (80%, 80%) / inputdevice = mouse / nextlabel = "Weiter" / prevlabel = "Zurück" / lastlabel = "Start" </instruct>
***** Experiment und Data *****
<expt pretest> / preinstructions = (introduction, instructions1, instructions2) / blocks = [1-12=noreplace(01.1D_survey, 02.1D_survey, 03.1D_survey, 04.1D_survey, 05.1D_survey, 06.1D_survey, 07.1D_survey, 08.1D_survey, 09.1D_survey, 10.1D_survey, 11.1D_survey, 12.1D_survey, 01.1U_survey, 02.1U_survey, 03.1U_survey, 04.1U_survey, 05.1U_survey, 06.1U_survey, 07.1U_survey, 08.1U_survey, 09.1U_survey, 10.1U_survey, 11.1U_survey, 12.1U_survey); 13==demographics_sports] / postinstructions = (end)
Thanks and kind regards, Erthos