Fixing Timer

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Hi All,

I am trying to program Inquisit to display a Timer next to a picture. The subject is suppose to look at the picture and talk for 60sec, and I am trying to have a timer count down to let them know how much time they have left. Also I am having issue skipping through the "Wait" block; "ctrl-b" doesn't work for some reason.

**Waiting Screens***
<picture wait>
/ items = wait
/ position = (50, 50)
/ size = (75%, 75%)

<item wait>
/1 = "WaitingScreen.jpg"


<clock Timer>
/ mode = timer
/ resetrate = trial
/ erase = false
/ txbgcolor = yellow
/ txbgcolor = black
/ timeout = 60000
/ position = (90%, 10%)
/ format = "mm:ss"

<trial wait>
/ ontrialbegin = [clock.timer.start(0)]
/ stimulustimes = [0=wait]
/ validresponse = (57)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ responseinterrupt = immediate
/ trialduration = 60000
/ pretrialpause = 250
/ posttrialpause = 250

Any help would be appreciated!!

Thanks You!!!

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The <clock> element is a stimulus just like any other (<text>, <picture>, etc.). To actually display it, you need to include it via the <trial>'s /stimulustimes - or frames.

<trial wait>
/ ontrialbegin = [clock.timer.start(0)]
/ stimulustimes = [0=wait, timer]
/ validresponse = (57)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ responseinterrupt = immediate
/ trialduration = 60000
/ pretrialpause = 250
/ posttrialpause = 250

> Also I am having issue skipping through the "Wait" block; "ctrl-b" doesn't work for some reason.

There is no wait *<block>* in the code you provided. There is only the wait *<trial>*. Hence I cannot speak to the issue. You cannot, however, skip a <trial> using CTRL+B, since a <trial> is not a <block>.

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Posts: 26, Visits: 103
Thank you Dave!


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