Group: Forum Members
Posts: 26,
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Hi All,
I have been trying to get my program to go from video > survey page > waiting page, in this consecutive order. I thought I inputted the correct lines; however whenever I test it, the program skips the survey page. Any help would be appreciated!
<surveypage PRAC_Q> / questions = [1=PRAC_Q] / nextbuttonposition = (40%,70%) / finishlabel = "Click to procced" / showquestionnumbers = false / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = false </surveypage>
<caption PRAC_Q> / caption = "Please describe what you saw in the movie for the next 60 seconds.~r~r Please keep talking for the entire time. When you are ready, click the button to proceed to start the timer." / position = (50%,50%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true) / size = (50%, 45%) / txcolor = white </caption>
<trial Wait> / ontrialbegin = [clock.timer.start(0)] / stimulusframes = [1=wait,timer] / validresponse = ("t") / inputdevice = keyboard / responseinterrupt = immediate / trialduration = 10000 / pretrialpause = 250 / posttrialpause = 250 </trial>
<trial PRAC_GD> / stimulustimes = [0=PRAC_GD] / responseinterrupt = false / timeout = 45000 / branch = [surveypage.prac_q; trial.wait] / pretrialpause = 250 / posttrialpause = 250 / validresponse = (57) / inputdevice = keyboard </trial>
<block PRACTICE> / trials = [1-3=noreplace(PRAC_GD, PRAC_TOM, PRAC_RD);4=taskstart] </block>
Thank you!