Questions about data, demografic survey and webpages

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Now I worked trough all the tutorials. I have some questions I spent a lot of time for:

1) Data element. In the columns attribute under "Remarks" is written that there are 3 types of columns. I'd like to define some user-defined strings. I saw that there is "string". How can I use "string" to creat my own string? I tried out to take trial called XXX and integrate to "XXX" in the data columns, but this does not work.

2) I created a short demografic survey. Now I would like to integrate this survey in my experiment before the instructions. How can I do this?
I tried out as text+item+page+trial+block or item+trial+block and in"

3) On the very last page of my experiment I'd like to integrate a link to a webpage. I saw that there is a "html element" and I saw "How to Interoperate Inquisit Web with Online Survey Packages". But this was not exactly what I'm looking for. Is it possible to present the html- or www-address on a page so that the subject may click on it with the cursor/mouse?

Thanks for your help.

Sincerely yours,


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1) Defining

/ columns = [date time subject ... "somestring" ]

will create an a column called "somestring" in the data file. That's all the "string" option you reference does. That column does *not* represent some variable that you script can write to. For that, you'll want to set up a <values> entry and log the value to the data file as detailed in the documentation.

/ trialtype = ""

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-10 = noreplace(a_trial, b_trial)]

<trial a_trial>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.trialtype = "A"]
/ stimulusframes = [1=mytext]
/ validresponse = (57)

<trial b_trial>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.trialtype = "B"]
/ stimulusframes = [1=mytext]
/ validresponse = (57)

<text mytext>
/ items = ("<%script.currenttrial%>")

/ columns = ["example_script" date time subject group blocknum blockcode trialnum trialcode values.trialtype response latency correct]
/ separatefiles = true

2) A <survey> is a type of <block>. You run it at the desired point in time during your procedure via the <expt> element's /blocks attribute just like any other <block>. Alternatively, you can keep your survey and the "proper" experiment as separate scripts and use the <batch> element to administer both in sequence:

/ file = "demographics.iqx"
/ file = "actual_experiment.iqx"

See the "How to Combine Multiple Scripts" and "Running Sequences of Inquisit Scripts and Other Applications" topics in the documentation's how-to section for details.

3) "Is it possible to present the html- or www-address on a page so that the subject may click on it with the cursor/mouse?"

No, not really. For participant's to be able to actually peruse the web site you want to direct them to, the Inquisit experiment needs to terminate. This would not be the case if there were some clickable link presented *within* the experiment. I assume you ultimately plan to collect data using Inquisit Web. If so, your options are:

(1) Redirect participants directly to the respective site *after* the experiment as detailed in the "How to Interoperate Inquisit Web with Online Survey Packages" topic. Note: The site does not have to be some online survey package, it can be any URL. All you need to do is specify the URL in your web experiment's settings when you upload and configure your script to your account.

(2) Redirect participants to a "custom" finish page containing the clickable link. All you need to do is create a simple HTML file containing the link (and whatever else you need, e.g., some further instructions). Note: Your *script* will not use that file at all. You upload it along with your script to your Inquisit Web account. In the experiment's settings, you specify that HTML file as the "custom finish page" to redirect to. After your participants have finished the script, that HTML file will be opened in their browser. From there, they can click the link to the other site (or choose not to).

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Group: Awaiting Activation
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Hi Dave,

Thanks foryour help. Number 2) worked very well and I will try out 3) when I upload my experiment.

1)      1) I made it like this:    (Sicherheitseingabe = confidence)

/ trialtype = ""

/ items =("Sicherheitseingabe")

/position =(50, 50)

/ontrialbegin = [values.trialtype = "S"]

/stimulusframes = ,[1=Sicherheitseingabe]
/validresponse= ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4","5", "6", "7", "8", "9")

<block recognitionA>

/ preinstructions = (Instruktion2)
/ trials =[1= noreplace(compatible_Fraktale, incompatible_Fraktale) ;2=Sicherheitseingabe;3= noreplace(compatible_Fraktale, incompatible_Fraktale) ; 4=Sicherheitseingabe;  5= noreplace(compatible_Fraktale, incompatible_Fraktale) ;6=Sicherheitseingabe;  7=noreplace(compatible_Fraktale, incompatible_Fraktale) ; 8=Sicherheitseingabe;9= noreplace(compatible_Fraktale, incompatible_Fraktale) ;10=Sicherheitseingabe; 11= noreplace(compatible_Fraktale, incompatible_Fraktale) ;12=Sicherheitseingabe]

/ columns = [date time subjectblockcode blocknum trialcode trialnum response correct latency "Sicherheitseingabe"]

/ separatefiles = true

 Now in thedata a column called „Sicherheitseingabe“ (confidence) appears in the data. But unfortunately it is empty. I’dlike to know which number (0-9) the subjects entered. For the trial I tried toadd
/correctresponse = ("0","1", "2", "3", "4", "5","6", "7", "8", "9")

/ response = free

/ recorddata = true

But unfortunately it does not make any difference.No number appears in the data.
What can I otherwise do so that the numbers 0-9 will appear in the data? Or could it be the reason, that my evaluation period has expired (and it runs only in monkey mode)?

Greetings, Marius

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As explained in the previous response:

/ columns = [date time subject ... "somestring" ]

will create an a column called "somestring" in the data file. That's all the "string" option you reference does. That column does *not* represent some variable that you script can write to."

I.e. with respect to

" <data>

/ columns = [date time subjectblockcode blocknum trialcode trialnum response correct latency "Sicherheitseingabe"]

/ separatefiles = true
 Now in thedata a column called „Sicherheitseingabe“ (confidence) appears in the data. But unfortunately it is empty. I’dlike to know which number (0-9) the subjects entered."

the script is behaving exactly as it should. The column is *supposed* to be empty. It is *not* something you can write to.

As already explained, if you need something you can write to, use <values> and *log* the value to the data file as in

/ columns = [date time subjectblockcode blocknum trialcode trialnum response correct latency values.trialtype]

You will find the trial's name -- "Sicherheitseingabe" -- in the trialcode column. You will find the response given in the response column.

What's logged in the response column will be the numerical _keyboard scancode_ for the key that was pressed. That will not be identical to the key's "literal" value. See the "Keyboard Scan Codes" topic in the documentation and Tools -> Keyboard Scancodes for details.


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