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I'm trying to figure out how to set up branching for a block
I'd like to start my block with a single trial, and then determine the subsequent trial based on the user's response.
Currently, I have something like this set up, where I define the first two trials, but would like the block to dynamically move on to subsequent trials based on the user's responses. Unfortunately, what I'm running into is that only the trials I define at the <block> level will play - nothing will branch. Can you advise? I've included the except of my code for reference.
<block BearPractice> /bgstim = (zebra,panda,sheep,cow,bear_selected) /trials = [1=bear_comprehension_check; 2=bear_practicegiving] </block>
<trial bear_comprehension_check> /validresponse=(lbuttondown) </trial>
<trial bear_practicegiving> /stimulustimes =[2000=sticker;10000=bell,blankRight,blankLeft] /validresponse=(zebra,panda,sheep,cow,blankRight,blankLeft) /branch = [if (trial.selection.response == zebra && picture.zebra.hposition == 10%) trial.beargivestoA] /branch = [if (trial.selection.response == panda && picture.panda.hposition == 10%) trial.beargivestoA] /branch = [if (trial.selection.response == sheep && picture.sheep.hposition == 10%) trial.beargivestoA] /branch = [if (trial.selection.response == cow && picture.cow.hposition == 10%) trial.beargivestoA] /branch = [if (trial.bear_practicegiving.response == blankRight) trial.bear_practicegiving2] /branch = [if (trial.bear_practicegiving.response == blankLeft) trial.bear_practicegiving2] </trial>
<trial bear_practicegiving2> /stimulustimes =[1=sticker;10000=bell,blankRight,blankLeft] /validresponse=(zebra,panda,sheep,cow) /branch = [if (trial.selection.response == zebra && picture.zebra.hposition == 10%) trial.beargivestoA] /branch = [if (trial.selection.response == panda && picture.panda.hposition == 10%) trial.beargivestoA] /branch = [if (trial.selection.response == sheep && picture.sheep.hposition == 10%) trial.beargivestoA] /branch = [if (trial.selection.response == cow && picture.cow.hposition == 10%) trial.beargivestoA] </trial>
<trial beargivestoA> /stimulusframes =[1=sticker_movestoA,zebra,panda,sheep,cow,bear_selected] /validresponse=(lbuttondown) </trial>