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I'm attempting to use inquisit with my ACER ONE laptop. It has Windows 10 installed and can be configured to be a touchscreen.
The program crashes when I attempt to run it and use my computer as a touchscreen. I've tried setting the input device both to mouse and touchscreen, and the same issue occurs. The experiment works fine if I set the input device to mouse and only use the mouse on it. Do you have any advice?
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I have no spontaneous idea, but here are a couple of things to try / check: (1) Is the Inquisit version you've installed up to date? When in doubt, download the latest one from and install it. (2) Is the touchscreen driver on the system up to date? Here, too, when in doubt, obtain the latest driver from the manufacturer and install it. (3) What happens when you set /inputdevice to keyboard and try to use the touchscreen? (4) What does the technical log say (Select "Tools -> View Log File..." in Inquisit Lab to access the log)?
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Hi Dave, I can't really set it to keyboard without altering the validresponse on almost every trial (it was set to a click on specific areas of the screen). Here's what it says in the log though: 2016-07-28T10:51:16.611 InquisitLab 3732 32bit Release CompileDate='Jul 5 2016' CompileTime='16:50:48' Initializing... 2016-07-28T10:51:16.627 InquisitLab 3732 System Platform='Windows NT 10.0; Win32; Touch' MemAvail=581844 MemTotal=2034620 CPUSpeed=1333 TimerResolution=0.0007680001966080503 IPAddress=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX MacAddress=XXXXXXX
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Okay, thanks. Is that all that's contained in the log?
And: Do you get the same result when trying to run some other script (i.e., not yours) on your Acer and try to use the touchscreen? Any of the scripts available in the library should work as test cases, as for testing /inputdevice=keyboard, you could use one of the IAT scripts.
I'm trying to get a sense of whether the issue is confined to a particular script / combination of settings, or if it's more general (e.g. an issue with this specific Acer model).
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Hi Dave,
I just tried the IAT Touchscreen and the same issue happened. It ran through more of the script before it crashed, but it had the same crash.
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Hi Dave,
Another question - am I correct in assuming I'd need to purchase inquisit web (not inquisit lab) to do this on an iPad (given my issues with displaying this on the ACER)? I am not interested in doing data collection online, but I don't currently see how else I would get the script to run on an ipad.
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Thanks for taking the time to test. Regarding "It ran through more of the script before it crashed, but it had the same crash.", could you tell me _when_ approximately the script crashed on your device? E.g. after the instructions, after X trials, after the 1st block?
As for running scripts on iOS devices (iPad, iPhone), yes, that's only possible using Inquisit Web for the time being. An Inquisit Lab version for iPads is not available currently.
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It got through the instructions being able to take the touchscreen input and crashed during the first trial
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Thanks, that's an interesting piece of information to have. Instructions in the IAT are presented using regular <trial> elements, i.e. in the same way the actual trials (where you categorize the words, etc.) work. So, touch input seems to work in principle. The only obvious difference between <trial instructions> (which works for you / takes touch input), and the other <trial> elements would be that the latter have several response options ("E" and "I"), whereas the instructions trial only has / needs one (the "Spacebar").
Here's a quick test script to check whether the crash is related to the number of available response options. Trials in the 1st block will only allow one response option. Trials in the 2nd block will allow two. If the theory holds, the 1st block should work for you, while you would experience crashing in the 2nd block. It would be great if you could try to run this on your Acer and let me know how it behaves. Thanks!
<expt> / blocks = [1=first; 2=second] </expt> e <block first> / trials = [1-10 = noreplace(press_e,press_i)] </block>
<block second> / trials = [1-10 = noreplace(press_e_or_i)] </block>
<trial press_e> / stimulusframes = [1=e_text] / validresponse = ("E") </trial>
<trial press_i> / stimulusframes = [1=i_text] / validresponse = ("I") </trial>
<trial press_e_or_i> / stimulusframes = [1=e_or_i_text] / validresponse = ("E", "I") </trial>
<text e_text> / items = ("Press E") </text>
<text i_text> / items = ("Press I") </text>
<text e_or_i_text> / items = ("Press E or I") </text>
Group: Forum Members
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Hi Dave,
So I tried the short script you sent, and it worked just fine. I even added trials with 4 response options and that also worked fine.
But I re-tried the IAT TouchScreen and confirmed that it crashed as soon as I tried to give a response on the first trial.